Project S Created by Tex and Shad0w Viper Project S is a small, completely enclosed beautiful map created by the two members of the abcrew. Everything is perfectly interlocked to create an astounding curved roof which just adds to the already aesthetically pleasing nature of the map. The map is designed for 2v2 on all game types, and the flow of the map makes the gameplay quite intense. The size of the map makes for amazing close combat skirmishes, along with great slayer and VIP games. All the objects that have been used are placed to perfection, everything is measured perfectly and there are virtually no bumps in all the interlocking. The abcrew have really gone above and beyond with this map, they have added every possible aesthetic touch including teleporter arrows, arching roofs for the man cannon lifts and an amazing curved roof that covers the majority of the level. Download Project S View Original Forge Hub Thread for more Info
I have never played this map, but it looks absolutely gorgeous. It obviously deserves the feature, it's one of the few maps that don't feel like foundry.
Amazing! It's nice to see this map featured! It certainly deserves it! The geometry on this map is outstanding, and the games are always memorable. Congrats!
So glad to see this featured, its my favourite of the project maps by far (partly cause I love smaller maps like this) There are so many great aspects to this map, the beautiful grav lift elevators, the carefully placed pillars in the lower level, the fluid movement, the nice heightened ceiling in the lower level. I've had so much fun running around this with a couple of mates decimating with SMGs. I did think the upstairs area was a little underused, but the SMGs made it enough of a reason to go up there for me. I still don't know what I think of the sheild door, mauler combo with such small, campable bases, but it hasn't proved too much of a problem on my FFA games. This map is real simple but forged with exceptional quality, 100% inescapable as far as I can tell, its truly a map in itself, quite aside from foundry. As with all smaller maps, the ultimate variation of gameplay is somewhat limited, but its still alot of fun and has a good deal of replay value. Pegasi Endorsed
i knew eventually one of the project maps would be featured. the day has come finally. project S is a very neat symmetrical map that obviously took a lot of time and forging skill to make. i never got a chance to get a good game on it because all of my games were larger than 2 v 2... but i was still very impressed by the structure of this map, it definitely deserves the feature for the hot, non stop team slayer action.
about time i love all of the maps in the sux map pack, i think they all diseserve a feature i have played this multiple times, and i like it more and more
I'm digging the small details here - the red powerup in the wall, the barrels, the beautiful interlocking, I can't wait to try it!
Wow this is good stuff I liked all the Project Alphabeta maps, but this is definitely my favourite so far. We need a one night tournament on all these maps; BANK ON IT!
I'm very glad to see that this was featured. Very well deserved well made map. Great job guys and congrats.
Is this gonna be part of the 2v2 tournament? JW b/c it says its really good for 2v2 and now that its featured its pretty much stading out
Snack, you misleading jerk! How dare you kill my hopes like that! Seriously though, I'm glad this is featured. I still don't see the 'S' shape of it, but the game play is great and the amount of detail the two put into making the layout gives other Forgers something to aim for. Congratulations Tecks, you're one step closer to poop-dome.