Project S

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Tex, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. LXV Grizzly

    LXV Grizzly Ancient
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    Very nice map, looks absolutely great. Love the bridge columns those are my favorites. Very nice interlokcing and i hope to see more in the future. Oh and reynbow, i got to say i really dont like the sig, i think thats pretty sick, i can see that one "support love" sig, but showing two guys in bed is a too far for me.
  2. cheezbob

    cheezbob Ancient
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    the interlcoking seems uncannily smooth
  3. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Hey Tex, I was going to review your map, but I hit a standstill when I couldn't find the ball, or hill, and I searched the thread, and wasn't able to find any comments even referencing the game-types, other than your list of recommended ones, tell me if this is just my version, because I like your map, and would like to help you improve it if possible.
  4. TicTock

    TicTock Guest

    I love this map :) I like many things about it especialy the layout.
  5. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Well I have done my initial forge through. I will admit, it does look pretty nice. Pretty smooth interlocking and merging. But, I didn't like a few things. First off, I know this was intended to be a smaller map, but I thought the older Projects were much more entertaining because I relied on you to put out great maps that could be used in sizeable parties. But now, a little smaller than I would have expected. Also, I really don't like what the second level area looks like. I know you meant for those two walls to be crooked or slanted, but I would much rather them have been straight, it would have just looked more clean. And the shield doors, I agree with Mallet, not to keen about them. Other than that, this is a very well built map despite lacking in size, and while I understand why, I wish you had modeled it more like your previous maps. But, I am still expecting great games, and will report later on this thread with my full Review Hub review.
  6. IGotEverclear

    IGotEverclear Ancient
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    This map is great. Thank you Tex and Shad0w for making so many great maps. Keep up the good work.
  7. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    Oooh, I love tunnels! Yours look very well made, I hope it plays well.

    Oh yeah, do W next!
  8. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    ABCrew's Project S


    *No Oddball, and no KOTH=Sadface*
    Overall- This is a pretty map, that unfortunately doesn't play too well, except on Flag, and even then, due to cramped qualities doesn't work amazingly there. In summary, a slightly above-average map that is a bit too small, and needs some work with weapon balance.

    Enjoyment- This map was fun to play on due to its size, and the number of access points, which gave a tense feeling, but some of the game-play was a little stale. The whole map gave a sort of claustrophobic feeling, that could give a really exciting feeling at times, but sometimes it felt crappy as you spawned right beside some one, or some one got absolutely ruled by the mauler a couple times in a row. The weapon choice also felt sort of bland, but I'll get to that in the notes.

    Playability- No issue with camping a certain area, other than the shield doors at the top of the lifts. A few spawn issues, that are bundled with having a small map. I know that I suggested it, but the spawns at the top get used A LOT, and starting up there in FFA means you have a good chance of getting the mauler, and subsequently pwning. The bottom floor shield doors are too difficult to bounce 'nades under, and they often get stuck under the adjacent boxes, so you should either merge them into the floor, or bring the shield doors up.

    Creativity- Nothing Extremely innovative that you used, but the man-cannons were well done, and well implemented, and the map was well shaped and laid out, pretty creative man I liked the bridge columns, must have taken one hell of a lot of work.

    Layout- o/ \o Spectacular, the only things I can really rag on about your map is that its too cramped, and that the S isn't so obvious, but that's neither here, nor there. About the size, it is really small, if you had made it bigger, I probably could have given you a 10, or 9, but it feels too small for even 2v2, sometimes, with only the farthest spawns being used, because they are the only safe ones.

    Appearance- Very sleek looking map, no real flashiness, but the touches make the appearance, I liked the bridge columns, and the way the upstairs looked from below, and the floor made of stairs right next to the drop down by the flag.

    Balance- One person getting all five kills with a mauler is not good balance. The mauler is excessively overpowered, and there is no close combat counterbalance. The shield doors make the lifts extremely easy to camp, especially with flag, or ball(if it worked =P), you'd have to spam nades on either side to defeat them, which is ludicrously difficult(tried it).
    I suggest replacing the mauler with a plasma pistol, and removing the above shield doors, and making it easier to bounce 'nades under the lower ones.


    • Try putting needlers in the sideways merged single open boxes between the bases and lifts, for a bit more variety
    • Try replacing a pair of BRs, with carbines for a little more variety.
    • Fix oddball and KOTH, I'd love to see how it plays on them(just maybe do some magic with the shield doors before you release a new version.
    • Advise people to make flag/ball/bomb carriers 50% damage so that they don't kill in one hit, even if you change up the shield doors.
    • Flag is your strong point on this map, it plays much better than other ones with a tweaked gametype.
    • One of the people that helped me in my review sessions for this map suggested the use of spike grenades, contact Kagemusha for more information.


    Tex, in response to your comments on my review before the server reset, I don't really think that a nifty looking dome ceiling warrants extra creativity marks, thats where you got your marks in appearance. I really hope you take some of my suggestions into mind, as they are the only things holding your map back. As for the balance and playability being the same, I have to disagree with you, as I believe they are both important, and, in my mind, different. I will post what each category implies on my review page though, I hope that helps.
    #68 !nikheizen, Jun 13, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2008
  9. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    The map looks awsome. Beautiful, just like all your other 'Project' maps
  10. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I love this map great job tex I hope all your future maps are as good as this. :) PS I love the grav lift tubes they are so cool looking.
  11. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    when i project hjk coming
  12. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Thanks eyeless and hazza, but now i am going to get a bit serious. As Turbo's rating was a bit harsh, so now time for me to get defensive, and harsh.

    The spawns up top are basically required, otherwise, there would be camping. And the mauler doesn't own that much, unless you can't figured out how to take a dude with one down (grenade br all day...)

    HA! even if they get stuck under the boxes, they still genereally damage the person, also it is not that hard to aim that, i mean, seriously cmon...also, what you are suggesting would mean i would have to MERGE & REDO the entire map, and the only way the dome would look is if the boxes all the way around the side, were PERFECT...****...that...

    I am sorry, but this pissed me off the most, nothing ****ing truly innovative...nothing spectacular, YOU HAVE NO ****ING IDEA HOW HARD IT WAS TO DO THE BRIDGE COLUMNS, please show me a single ****ing map, where that came up before this one...just that is the most innovative thing i've got on our map, and you completely ignore it...also, not only is the silver not visible on the bottom, its not visible on the top, so it looks quite nice imo...

    we ran out of every item, look in forge, this is why the bases were so small, if you would have read the op that i have for the map, you would have seen that...

    ohhhh greaaat, you put the bridge columns in appearance, i like how you put negatives in more then one area, but only few positives...nice...

    Apart from balance & playability being the same ****ing thing imo...

    You don't see why the sheild doors are there at the top do you? It's for the people coming up the lifts to not get grenade spammed from the opposite side of the upper it happened without the shield doors way too, ****ed if i do, ****ed if i don't, one way or the other, the mauler gets 5 kills MAX, woopty doo? it isn't that hard to stop a mauler guy btw...oh...and this is what i was talking about when i said using negatives in more then one area, but hardly the positives...

    This, i can agree with, this is a quality suggestion.
    Carbines = nub...we went with practically no covenant weapons, we only went with plaznades...tried to keep it that way.
    yar yar yar...i know...i want to...but i don't really have the time as i mentioned to you already...
    I suppose, i could edit the game type, that wouldn't be that big a deal, but i personally hate not being able to one hit beatdown...that just = fail for halo imo...
    thanks, i guess
    We thought about using spike grenades, but then you wouldn't be able to throw plasma's up the mancannon chutes, so
  13. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    Another awesome job Tex!
    I love how the gameplay is centered around the pillars and there is a drop down from the top. Awesome job. You're interlocking looks and plays well, as I have known from your past maps.
    EDIT: I think a Project O, H, or A would be quite entertaining. =)
    #73 JSlayer7, Jun 14, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2008
  14. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    Wooo another project map. I demand overview!?!?!?! *frustrated*

    Think you can hide behind sheild?... what you can bounce spikers off stuff? < never new.

    5/5 i love project maps keep em coming. also i think project A would be kwl.
  15. weaselraider08

    weaselraider08 Ancient
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    This is one of my favorites. It is very cleanly constructed. And i also like the scenery with the convoy and the ambush. Very nice touch. This is one of my favorites.
  16. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    I just played it a few days ago, looked really fun but also looked too cramped in spots. Obviously thats not really your fault cause you dont get a lot to work with. I liked the lifts, Im gonna try using something like that
  17. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Hmmm... Tex I think you got a little worked up over Turbo's review... But I'll be sure to as quickly as possible get my Review Hub review for this map done as quickly as possible so you can get the official word. I am expecting it will be more pleasing than Turbo's, so for the time being, don't let it bother you.
  18. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    if you haven't seen the "WHICH MAP WILL BE NEXT" Poll, you should check it out, it's in my sig

    rofloflofl, i didn't know til a few weeks ago that you could bounce spikers off stuff, and thought it would kinda add to the effect of the pictures =]

    oh, and no ovaview fo u

    =] the scenery was started by me, then shad0w went all crazy style, like he was some super sculptor or something xD.

    yar, if we didn't have the constraints there would be so much more to this map, i just wish more people would recognize that =[

    turbo got worked you mean? rofl jk...i just found his review to be a little harsh, so i got a little defensive, just wish i could see a response from him =[
    Bottlecap likes this.
  19. LaTurno11

    LaTurno11 Ancient
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    that is an awsome map i give 5/5
  20. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Yeah, maybe he just didn't take the time to thouroughly review it, maybe he just didn't have a good party. Redardless, it doesn't matter, I still think it'll be fine. But as for beign defensive, totally justified.

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