Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by xXDeepStabXx, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. xXDeepStabXx

    xXDeepStabXx Ancient
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    ODST base: A coveant captured base must be regained by marines. Many attempts have failed. So scientists have come up with a new idea. Project:pREDATOR

    2 predators will spawn in this armory
    They will assualt the base. They are invisible, fast and agile, but the armor invisibility has dropped thier shields down to none, so they can be killed with one shot. Teamwork is CURCIAL.

    Moar screenshots

    Yup. Thats the base


    The Coveneant Armory


    Missle Pod Spawns. To take down enemy airborne veicles.


    Another picture of the base.


    Some Gravity Hammers


    The sniper post.

    Thanks for viewing.

    Map : Halo 3 File Details

    Varient : Halo 3 File Details
  2. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Good Map, But just for future reference, Don't take your pics in forge. Grid and Spawns are not the nicest thing to see in a Map Post,

    But good idea, Predators look Weak compared to what the Covies have, But still cool looking, I always like the maps where there is a Fricking huge base and people have to get in without getting killed :) Good map, Can't DL Now, my basement got flooded (No pun Intended) 4.5/5, Keep Forging
  3. Killsbury3

    Killsbury3 Ancient
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    Two things.
    1: Dont take your pictures in forge. Take them in play testing. I learned that the hard way.
    2: should you really put snipers on this map? I think not. With the predetors dieing in one shot, sniper rifles or beam rifles are a bad idea. Sure, they're cloaking, but still. I would use mostly close-up weapons, with the only long-range weapon being the magnum or the weapons on the vehicles. Try to give the predetors a weapon advantage. Leave their armory alone. just change the base armory. also, forgot to mention this, but take out the sentinel beams too. you can just strafe the entire map with those.

    Overall, though, the map design is really good. The game type just needs to be more thought out.
    #3 Killsbury3, Jun 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009
  4. Fruitbat7

    Fruitbat7 Ancient
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    wow. this looks like a bloody mess. no offense but your forging looks a wee bit messy and there are way to many power weapons and vehicles. nice idea though, and with some improvement i can see it being a good infection map. Keep up the forging, and I think you should really take a look at the forging 101 threads to help improve your mad forging skills. Oh ya and everyone remember that teamwork is CURCIAl :p Keep up the forging. I think
    #4 Fruitbat7, Jun 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009
  5. xXDeepStabXx

    xXDeepStabXx Ancient
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    This is my second map on forge hub. Besides killsbury, do you really think someone is going to snipe a predator moving at 300% speed and 50% gravity?
  6. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    Spell Covenant Correctly, I mean come on. Do the Predators fall down the shoot because if they do won't that result in a camping problem.
  7. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Before criticizing others on their spelling errors, you may want to learn to use words correctly, like "chute" instead of "shoot".
  8. xXDeepStabXx

    xXDeepStabXx Ancient
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    Thanks Shroomz XD
  9. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Why would you rebuild a Predator map what a waste, and besides a lot of people don't own Sandbox so I'll give it a 2/5

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