This map needs a actual name. If you have any ideas, please comment below. In addition, I only have this set up for slayer (both FFA and Team.) Alright, now that I've said that, let's look at the map. Project G takes place in the Quarry, and is about the same size as Asylum. It's forged pretty cleanly (can't seem to avoid the slight rotations of some of the pieces though) and looks pretty nice. This map has some Forerunner aesthetics, which mostly consists of the two towers that are similar in archetecture to those seen in Halo CE (with some additions.) I have only had one game on this map, which can be seen below. My friends list is too small to get a full game on it. Therefore, I'm posting it here because I'm hoping for some quick feedback. (The reason I'm not posting this on the Tester's Guild page is because in my experience they don't get to all of the maps that are submitted. Writingrider1 v.s. R2D3Power175 on Project G - YouTube I've got to go do chores now , so here's the rest of the pics I have. Energy sword spawn bottom-mid Loadout camera showing the evade. Distance shot As I don't show you guys where the bases are in the gameplay, here's a video of me walking around on the map: This map needs a name! - YouTube Thanks!
Steve. call it Steve. anyway, the design looks ok, but If I were you, I'd work on the aesthetics, from what I can see. more so concerning the antennae thing in the first pic, that is just downright ugly, and it might cause unnecessary FR.
the map looks ok, i like how it seems to play well with it having a really open feel to it, but the grav lifts do damage when you land on the other side which really makes them stupid to use, and as far as aesthetics go the map hardly has any.