Project Eternal

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Grimlock, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. Grimlock

    Grimlock Ancient
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    Project Eternal

    Symetric Overview

    Assymetric Overview

    Players: Non team: 5-16
    Team-based: 3-8 per team
    A map made for medieval combat that changes severely between Symetric and Assymetric gametypes. For use with all gametypes. Recommended to have 75% damage, 90% speed, and Sword spawn for all players. On infection there is one minute until the man cannons that shoot initial zombies into the map spawn. On all assymetric gametypes there are holes that allow the defending team get to the weapons faster. The holes close up after about a minute, sealing the defenders base again.

    The 75% damage is very important to keep the weapons balanced right.

    Weapons and Medieval Equivalent:
    Energy Sword= Sword
    Gravity Hammer= Axe
    Fuel Rod Gun= Crossbow
    Shotgun= Flail
    Mauler= Dagger
    Bruteshot= Javelin
    Sentinal Beam= Magic Staff
    Spartan Laser= Bow
    Flamethrower= Wand


    Castle A (symetric)

    Castle B (symetric)

    Central Ramp (symetric)

    Inside a Castle (symetric)

    Location of the Wand/Flamethrower (both, pic taken on a symetrical map)

    Location of Bow (both)

    Defense Castle (assymetric)

    Courtyard/Offense Spawn (assymetric)

    Assymetric temporary opening

    Feedback is appriciated, especially about how well the weapons work.
  2. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    This actually looks good. It seems spacious, unlike most cramped Foundry jobs. You have mostly short ranged weapons, but also a handful of power weapons, so it seems like the layout of the map and the selection of weapons are working together. Plus the bases look nice.
  3. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    When you make a map you always should take the time to align everything. This cannot be stressed enough. You should always strive for perfection, even if it's hard at times. If you do that the end result will probably benefit from it.

    I really like the fact that you've used the option of Symmetric / Assymetric. That's something that most of us never really tinker with. It mixes up you map alot depending on what gametype is currently being played. But you should really set out to learn the Interlocking technique, it could work wonders for your map.
    For example, there's a place inside each of the bases that becomes a gap when you play Symmetric gametypes.

    You probably should move around the startingpoints as well because currently they are placed all over the map and if you don't delete / move them people are gonna start the game outside the bases.
  4. Grimlock

    Grimlock Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Theres a gap in the symetric setup? I know I put one in the Assymetric but didnt know there was one in symetric.

    For the starting points, some of them are symetrical or assymetrical only so they should keep people in the right base depending on the gametype.

    And after I get more feedback and decide on any changes I'm going to spend alot more time on the neatness in the next version. I was more concerned with getting the layout right for the first time.

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