Hey everyone, I'm Project Bread. I'm a decent / advanced forger and a decently high rank in match making (45 to be exact). I came here because I needed a place to talk about forging. Forging has got to be the greatest thing in Halo 3 IMO. Anyways, hey community.
Hey welcome to Forge Hub I hope you like it here and I cant wait to see what you contribue to the community. :squirrel_hug:
Yeah, I already got 6-7 maps finished. One of which is my pride and joy xD. I should post it up sooner or later (Today hopefully).
Welcome at court, sir. Glad you're so interested in what we're doing: forging, that is. Be sure your first map post looks pretty.
Indeed it will. My images that I just took should be on my account sooner or later. Then I shall make the post. EDIT - Tada. Done. Underneath the Competitive Maps section or in my signature (If I can make one D= )