PROCTAGON By zombievillan. 2-12 players FFA, Team slayer, Oddball, Multi-flag, One flag, Assault, and Nuetral bomb. LINK: Proctagon is a symmetrical map set up for most of the competetive games. It is kind of small but can be quite intense. It has a different weapon setup for symmetrical games than asymettrical games. It is made so that the whole map is to be used in different ways for different games. In multi-flag, the two flags spawn out in the map rather than in the bases. Blue Flag Red Flag This way, both teams must stock up and get to there flag before the other team does. Plus in symmetrical games like this one, it takes the same amount of time for both teams to get to the power weapons and flags. So in Multi-flag, Assault and slayer the sniper rifle spawns here with a 45 sec. respawn rate. This is the middle of the main hallway between the two bases. In asymetriccal games such as One flag, there is is an overshield there and a needler in the floor to give the attacking team some what of some help because the Defenders have a sniper in there base at the games start as does the attackers but the defenders will be waiting. Note: this sniper rifle is not there in One flag because of that. Here is a look at the Bases. Blue Base Overview Red Base Overview Outward view from the bottom floor Lift view from starting point. Sniper spawn in asymmetrical games (one flag) Outward view from second floor. Note: the bases are completly symmetrical and in One flag the flags spawn here as well as a needler on the step down with a 45 sec. respawn rate. Here are some overviews without the roof. I took it off for photo purposes. Shotgun spawns here with one spare clip with a 60 sec. respawn rate in all gametypes. Thi room is just opposite the Overshield spawn in the middle of the main hall. Overview of the multi-flags spawn area and the nuetral bomb spawns between the barriers Blue team secondary base next to their flag spawn. Red team secondary base next to thier flag spawn in multi flag Another view of the "steps", here you can see the Smg's spawn in all games Sword spawns here in all games with a 120 sec. respawn rate. I know this wall is not original but it looks so cool i had to do it. This is directly across from the nuetral bomb spawn between the secondary bases. Weapons List: Symetric: 8 BRs 6 ARs 4 SMGs 4 SMGs 2 Brute Shots (1 spare clip) 2 Carbines 2 Needlers (1 spare clip) 1 Shotgun (1 spare clip) 45 sec. respawn 1 Sniper (45 sec respawn) 1 Sword (120 sec respawn) Asymetric 8 BRs 6 ARS 2 Carbines 4 SMGs 1 Brute Shot (1 spare clip) 2 Snipers (45 sec. respawn) 1 Shotgun (1 spare clip, 45 sec. respawn) 1 Sword (120 sec. respawn) 1 Overshield ( 90 sec. respawn) Grenades in both types: 6 Frags 6 Plasmas 4 Spikes 2 Firebombs All in all, this map will work best in these gametypes; Team Slayer, Multi-Flag, FFA and Nuetral bomb. But feel free to try the other games listed at the top. This map took awhile to build and I hope you like it. I spent lots of time merging the Boxes to make them look exactly like one wall. The pics dont do justic for this so download to get the real feel and looks and I believe you will be satisfied. OTHER MAPS: Tactacon FFA ZLG Agrastruct
this map deserves alot more posts its not even funny your map looks really great and your bunkers seem well made however i do see a couple flaws. you put incediary grenades on top of a barrier which i couldnt help but notice i could easily frag jump and get out of the map im pretty sure. but you are completely wrong about that wall there. It is very original and i havent seen it done before. One thing i would change is that shield door in fromnt of it though. it makes the spot vulnerable to camping otherwise i think you have a great map on your hands.
dude great map. The interlocking looks fantastic and the geomerging looks good too. The pillar with the firebomb looks original and the sword spawn is just awesome. The flag spawn looks good with the spawn thing being crooked. The shotgun spawn with the doors has some interesting aesthetics and looks like it would add some cool gameplay. As for the gameplay would be better with the CTF game variant. That would just be awesome. Okay...I will download and come back will a full review on the map. The review will consist of different things like Map Creativity/Quality, Weapon Layout/Choice, and the Overall map score. So stay tuned for the review.
Spam Spam Spam Spam *sigh* Spam You guessed it, spam. Seriously, I don't see why you are getting all of these low quality posts. What you got here is a great looking map! I really like the box archways and the mancannon room. Although, I leave this post with a helpful suggestion, I think you should make a v2 where you are not able to get out of the map, and add some scenaric objects around the areas of the fence boxes and walls. It would make the map more pleasing to play on an look at. Keep Forging!
i have reported several spam messages in this thread. get ready for your infractions buddies. I will download this and let you know how my games go. From the looks of it, its beautifully built... i love the double box archways. my only concern is that the sword and the shotgun on such a small close quarters map may be a little overkill. Keep up the good work. you look like an excellent forger.
I have as well - rep'd many posts for spam. Cmon people, Theta meant what he said. Observational review Alright, this is not a complete review, but one that I made after I quick walk through of the map. This is purely based on observation, and single play, do not take what is mentioned to seriously, but do not disregard it either. Escapable This map is incredibly easy to break, with at least 6 spots that I grenade jumped out of. These are -The fence box flag spawns -The fence wall ramps up to the fence boxes. -The two bases in the back of the map, with stairs, and bridges as a roof. Grenades This is just a guideline, nothing official, however strongly advised. It is best to have only 2 types of grenades on a single map. This being Frag + Plasma, Frag + Spikes, Plasma + Spikes, etc. You though, included ALL 4 grenades, Frags/Plasmas/Spikes/Firebomb. I would definitely get rid of firebomb, since they hardly work well with gameplay. Also, I suggest either plasma or spike. Both can stick, but they are different. Plasmas take longer to blow up, they do not stick to any surface, and their explosion radius is larger. Spikes explode fast, stick to anything, and have a very small death radius. For a map like this I would stick with plasmas. Sword + Shotgun (Sniper too) Yes, the sword spawn aesthetics are very neat looking, very cool. However, I would get rid of the shield door. Why? Because a person with a sword could easily camp there as soon as they grab the sword. This could be an issue in a fight, should a person retreat into the sheild doors without sheilds, grab the sword, and easily take out their opponent. Also, you have two powerful close range weapons on this map. Sword and Shotgun. I say remove the sword, replace it's spawn with the shotgun spawn, and move the sniper where the shotgun is. You have both a sniper and a shotgun very close to eachother on this map, and that combo I feel would dominate. Layout I am actually rather fond of this layout, very original and uniqe, and it seems like it would have some great gameplay. Sadly, it is breakable, but if you fix that, i bet it would be great.
Looks great dude! I don't care if the sword wall isn't original this map is still awesome, I haven't seen this much clean interlocking since Matty made Reflex, Great job dude 5/5 and a download for sure.
um, 1) that's spam, not the place to discuss this, and 2) why should I get -rep for -repping people who are spamming? It's not that hard to leave a review for a map, I did and I haven't gotten to play it yet. I also reported some posts for spam. I am only enforcing Theta's announcement that these short "nice interlocking, 5/5" comments will no longer be tolerated. Sorry if that offends you, but this needs to start happening, cause what is the point of having a rule if there is no consequences? Now, please, let's see some constructive comments at least for this map. I have yet to see how it plays, but it is very well forged, it deserves better comments than it has gotten.
Ok, now I haven't played a game on this yet, but I did do a forge through. I really like the look and feel of the whole shotgun area, its aesthetic features are phenomenal. It seems to be a almost perfect and I can't think of anything I would possibly do to change it. The other half of the map with the sword really doesn't please me though. I feel you ran out of ideas when creating the room and just settled on a box shape made out of walls. My personal opinion is that you rework that whole room and make the overall map smaller. Yes, that would mean smaller party sizes, but it would allow you to continue the awesome aesthetics from the first room, and instead of stretching your items thin to make a big map, you could instead use your items to make a smaller map the best it could possibly be. Now, this is solely by looks, since I have yet to play a game on it, so I don't know how these drastic changes would effect gameplay. If you feel that your map plays well enough as it is, then don't mind my criticisms, because gameplay > looks. I may get back to you with my opinions on its gameplay, but I'm really busy most of the time.
Thanks 4 the reviews guys. you are right Viper. I did kind of lose ideas. I have some great ones for V2 though thanks to you guys. There is a weapons list now for a little better look at the gameplay. I think that idea with the placing the sniper where the shotgun is was so obvious its rediculus. I knew they were too close but i left it anyway.Stoopit! As far as the idea that it sucks that someone whose shield is gone and is about to die can slide in and get the sword and shank his attacker, I like that. Its like HA! you thought you killed me! but ya got sliced! But I will definatly change it in V2. Hopefully I can make it inescapable and I promise you ShadowViper, The outer room will look way more fancy. I think after spending so much time on that main area I kinda rushed the rest instead of giving it more thought. It will be better and thanks for all of your comments, they help alot, really.