Take the following two situations. A family found themselves under the crosshairs of a neighborhood campaign to drive them out of the community after someone found out that the father was a reformed sex offender listed in his criminal records. They were harassed by anonymous phone calls, their house egged, their kids teased endlessly at school. Threats were made against individual family members. And: A family discovered, to their horror, that their 5-year old daughter Megan had been raped and killed by their neighbor, who turned out to be a repeat sex offender. They were outraged that they had not even been notified that a sex offender was living right next to them. Based off of this information, as well as external research that you may choose to find, do you support privacy for individuals to be a constitutional right?
Absolutely. Though, in the instances containing sex offenders, murderers, etc. the use of a sign in front of the house is necessary. They've taken it upon themselves to do something that is beyond their victim's choice. These crimes are something that they will have to deal with their whole lives. Too-****ing-bad they have that kind of **** to put up with after raping and murdering a 5 year old. They're lucky to be out of prison (how they are, I have no ****in clue).
Even reformed? There are people who genuinely reform themselves and try to fix themselves. Otherwise, you wouldn't see so many rehab centers or Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. And besides that, those two individuals listed in my example had nothing to do with each other, other than the fact that they both sexually assaulted children. The man in case 1 is not the same man from case 2.
Not to mention the degree of the crime. If you are commited of date rape, you are forever branded as a sex offender. Even though the sentencing for that crime may be a few years, but should that person have to be labeled as a sex offender for the rest of their life when they were only with their girlfriend who was only a year younger at the time. On another note I don't think government should know my yearly income.
It would be like a sales tax, but the wealthy would still be the piggy bank of the tax system. This just allows money to flow freer.
Sure privacy is important, but when people so blatantly disobey the law like these men there should at least be a sign posted in front of their house. Do I believe in wiretapping random Americans? No. I don't.
no i dont i think that the reapeat sex offendor should NOT have privacy the people in the neighborhood had the right to know
You actually can look up sex offender's in your area. It's normally available on the police's website (or something like that). At least that's what it is in Illinois. I fully agree with not having that kind of privacy, while stuff as simple as camera's in dressing rooms, bathrooms, and other places where you expose yourself, should not be allowed, seeing as there are many creepy people. And no, I'm not a Michael Moore fan at all, I think he is one of the worst of the scum of America. So basically, yeah in those cases, all though it may be a problem for the upper, it still is awful for the bottom. You made a mistake, and sometimes you have to sacrifice for it. It's disappointing that the family had to made fun of, but you have to pay for your actions. It may sound harsh, but sadly to protect people, you have to be a bit strict.
To my knowledge, they must register themselves as sex offenders and let the neighborhood know of their criminal record. They are also NOT allowed to open their doors at Halloween. There is an interesting article here, which shows that sex offenders are unlikely to repeat a sexual crime after they have been caught. The laws are strict, and they work well. I think the main topic you used for Privacy was a bad one. When you break a BIG law, you should lose that right. But as long as someone is obeying the laws, their privacy should be kept in tact....Patriot Act or not....
Your rights are compromised when you commit a crime. Criminals in jail surrender their Constitutional right to vote during the time they are imprisoned. Law enforcement cannot search your house without a warrant, which they can obtain if they have sufficient evidence that implicates you. When you become a convicted criminal, on the other hand, your rights fall into the hands of the government. You can't sue the federal government because "execution" is another word for "criminal murder." The government chooses for convicted criminals whichever punishments it sees fit. If said punishments are irrational, a court system may choose to evaluate them through judicial review. But in this case, there is nothing to be considered irrational.
yes i know btw im 12 but about 3 years ago when i was in 5th grade i went on the police website and 17 sex offendors live in my neighborhood scary huh?
Yes, I think that privacy should be a constitutional right. Mostly because people can actually change and people who are sex offenders can change. I do think however if they are applying for a job that the employer should be able to access that information especially if they are working in a area with children.