Foundry Prisoner

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Phan7om Pain, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. Phan7om Pain

    Phan7om Pain Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Title: Prisoner

    A unique map for Prisoner or Jail CTF games. Best with 4-8 players Works with Team Slayer, CTF, and Assault game types.

    Map Description: My biggest problem with these maps is that if your entire team gets killed you’re pretty much screwed until the round or game is over. That’s what makes this map truly unique. It has both an AUTO and a MANUAL prisoner release switch. Now what I mean by that is the prison automatically opens and releases the prisoners every 45 seconds. This way the opposing team must hurry before you’re released. No more taunting the poor people in jail forever. Also players can release there fellow team mates as often as they can get to the prisoner release switch. Provided they are not in jail of course=). Now I know the whole CTF prisoner game type has been done before but I have not seen anyone come up with a solution to the problem. That is why I feel this map is truly unique.

    How it works: For those of you who have not played these maps before the concept is simple. It’s a lot like the CTF games you played in real life as a kid. Only in this case instead of getting tagged and going to jail, in this game if you’re killed you re-spawn in jail and must wait for your team mates to save you or until the jail opens for you. To release your team mates all you have to do is get to the prisoner release switch and shoot the energy cores and then your team mates will teleport back to your base.


    Weapons and Equipment:

    Spartan Laser x1
    Grav. Hammer x1
    Carbine x4
    BR x4
    Magnum x1
    Plasma Pistolx1
    Spiker x1
    SMG x1
    Bubble shield x1
    Deployable Cover x2
    Flare x2 (really long re-spawn)
    Plasma grenades x4
    Flame grenade x1
    Frag grenades x4
    Sike grenades x2

    [​IMG]By phan7ompain at 2009-03-09
    Crude picture of overall layout.

    [​IMG]By phan7ompain at 2009-03-09

    View of from top center.

    [​IMG]By phan7ompain at 2009-03-09

    View of from A Base to B Base:

    [​IMG]By phan7ompain at 2009-03-09

    View of one of the opposing bases and the prison cell.

    [​IMG]By phan7ompain at 2009-03-09

    View of prisoner release switch.

    [​IMG]By phan7ompain at 2009-03-09

    View of prison cell above map to provide a nice view of the action.

    Download Map

    Thanks for checking it out I spent a lot of time on it I hope you enjoy it! I'd love suggestions on how to improve it. Thanks again!
    #1 Phan7om Pain, Mar 10, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2009
  2. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    I don't get the release switch. But the map looks great! My only problem are the shield doors. But if they're part of the switch, my bad. The layout looks great, and the aesthetics are great (excluding shield doors). This is definitely on my download list. Great job! 7/10.
  3. Phan7om Pain

    Phan7om Pain Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the switch

    The shield doors are essential to the "switch". With out them some one could shoot the energy cores from anywhere on the map. When the cores detonate it unblocks the teleporter and allows players to leave the "jail cell". "Switch" is probably not the best word to use but i cant think of what else to call it. When you down load the map and look at how the whole prisoner release system works it will make more sense. It really is a pretty cool set up....... or maybe I just think that because i made it =)

    GATORSHOES2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    when i make my maps i make sure everything is even and as perfect as i can get to assure great gameplay, the map looks great, my only problem is it looks like you might have gotten a little lazy, im not trying to be mean or anything it just needs a little touch up, more merging.

    i redesign maps for people and i test and break maps, i can take youre map to the next level if you like.
  5. Phan7om Pain

    Phan7om Pain Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the offer. I'm going to wait and see if people at least like the concept. If the map gets some positive feed back I'll try a remake in sand box. Just out of curiosity... has any one seen this idea done before? Specifically the auto/manual prisoner release system. I'd like to hear from someone who has played the map. I'm curious if people enjoy the game play and the overall concept.

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