Remake Prisoner

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Psychosis687, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    there is a way to edit the amount of fall damage taken, if im not mistaken... and the difference im getting at is the AMOUNT of stuff that gets changed and the EFFECT it has on the gameplay in relation to the original
  2. Psychosis687

    Psychosis687 Forerunner

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    You can't edit fall damage. Gameplay has always changed in someway from each iteration between games. Not only that, I've played enough games on this map to know that the railings really have no negative effect on gameplay or flow of this map. The only thing that people keep complaining about is the lack of easy dropping down each level that the original had.

    I didn't do what every other person who has remade Prisoner has done. I didn't make the walkways out of 3x1 or 5x1 Flat Blocks. I used the Bridges to give people room to move around, and to save objects. I did this map the way it is to make it more visually interesting than all the other versions that are out there that look almost exactly the same. And, with that, the bridges were not inverted because they didn't look good, and didn't work right at certain parts of the map.

    Now, how those factors alone (while leaving out how Armor Abilities also affect gameplay) change the spirit of this map, making it more of a "re-imagining" while all the others are considered remakes is beyond me. I have everything to scale, as close as I could get it. I have the two weapon sets featured from the original map. I changed the respawn points around to give the map better spawning. But, everyone gets caught up on how much of a radical change railings are.
    #22 Psychosis687, Dec 31, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2010

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