Prison Yard Version 1.3 Download ********************************************************* Designer's Note - If you download this map, please give it a rating and comment. This is only fair, as it not only gives me a better idea of what players want, but all suggestions will be taken into account for future maps - it is inevitable Also, the beta version of sewerage plant is being playtested as we speak by several clan mates and various randoms. If you would like to download it to playtest for weapons balancing and various glitches/mistakes, the beta version can be found on the fileshare for DJHellish on Prison Yard is an asymmetrical map based on the Karrakatta Prison riot of 2005. Karrakatta prison is southeast of Perth, Western Australia. Primarily designed for 1 Flag CTF and Assault, this map has also been extensively tweaked to play brilliantly in all gametypes after relentless playtesting, weapon balancing and bug fixing; especially Slayer/Team Slayer, Territories, KotH, Oddball, VIP, and Multi-Team. This map includes a functioning lift, guard tower with mini-gun, and breakable wooden-door barricade into prison office, with multiple routes to the objective point. The map includes: 2 Battle Riffles 2 Carbines, 2 Plasma Rifles, 2 SMGs, 2 Brute Spikers, 1 Sentinel Gun, 1 Needler, 1 Shotgun, 1 Gravity Hammer, 1 Human Turrent, 1 Mongoose, A variety of obstacles, And a plethora of equipment and grenade types. **************Map Images********************* Prison Yard Opposite view of Prison Yard Attackers Base Service Access Service Road Imminent Attack *********Map version changes**************** Version 1.0: Basic map layout produced, weapons added, respawns added, obstacles added. Version 1.1: Shotgun and Gravity Hammer were centred in map, but have now been moved approximately 1 metre towards the attackers base from centre. Version 1.2: VIP, KotH, and Territories destinations modified. Lift modified for easier access and positioning of entry. Flag/Assault defensive cache added. Version 1.3: Dual Maulers removed and replaced by Dual Spikers, Extra office receiver teleporter added, Office roof teleporters repositioned, Further repositioning of KotH destinations.
I'm not sure but this map SEEMS very cool. Although, I really wish you would make your pics larger, it would attract more interest to the map. Otherwise, good job. - Brute Captain
Thanks for the comments guys. I have now added larger images incase you were waiting for these before downloading the map.
The interlocked box corner near base 01 looks interesting and you really punish people for taking the outside route with all those fusion coils. Ima give it a go.
Thanks for the comments guys Reply to Agamer93 Style of play: Frantic or Meticulous (it really depends on how you play your Halo.) The meticulous style players will have a most successful game. The best strategy is whilst some steals the flag heads out off the office roof wall to the service access, one person drives the mogoose to the access wall (can't be driven over), and two players distract the defenders in the prison yard whilst the two players on the mongoose make a "getaway!" The catch 22 is that if the players in the prison yard do draw out the defenders, the defenders may see the getaway driver and flag carrier and shoot the fusion coils through the wire fence, stopping them dead in their tracks P.S. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I never bump threads but this map has dropped on the forums to page 260. Would somebody, if they haven't already please post a comment on the thread for me so that other people from outside may have a chance to enjoy this map too if they so wish?
Thank you. I did the best I could with the resources at hand. For some reason though, money kept on disappearing from Forge even though I wasn't adding anything... Hmmm?!