Sandbox Prism Block

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Adelyss, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Created by: Adelyss and Deathtoll77

    Get to the Top!

    Prism Block is a Halo CE Prisoner map remake created by Adelyss and Deathtoll77. I originally had wanted to recreate Prisoner but what really got me started working on it was the fact Forgehub started a Remake contest and Deathtoll77 wanted to collab with me. We never did finish it in time for the end of the contest but only recently did we start working on it again and we finished it for everyone to enjoy.

    To get the scale of the map perfect took me roughly a day of checking Halo CE and then putting a rough sketch of the layout in Halo 3. I used a stop watch to time how long it took to travel from point A to B and I also measured in spartan widths. Together these two ways brought me a almost perfect size. Some of the rooms were made a tad smaller and the height of the entire map was reduce due to the supplies we had to work with. This is almost a complete remake minus a little cover piece up in the sniper tower due to supplies again. Instead of ladders we put grav lifts behind halls where the ladders are supposed to be to act like a ladder. You simply run up to them and you get lifted up. The only one that is not hidden is the ground floor one, we would of put it under the map but once and item limit.

    The map weapon layout is the same, plus some added weapons to play with Halo 3. So all the original weapons you remember Prisoner by you'll have them. What we did though was add another Plasma Riffle added a Plasma Pistol on the Top middle catwalk and added 5 br's and one carbine around the map. The grenades AR, Snipers, Rocket, Power ups etc.. are all in their original place. To replace the health packs on the map we removed the one on the second floor but on the top floor one we replaced it with a regenerator.

    The map took us roughly 4 months to create as we took a good month and a half break on it. It was really fun creating this map, there were times I would get angry and what not but in the end I really enjoyed the product me and deathtoll77 created.

    This map is to be played with 3v3 teams or 6 person FFA tops unless you want a little crazy game filled with tons of AR spam.

    To enjoy the map the most PLEASE TURN OFF STARTING GRENADES. This includes all gametypes you'd turn them off on.

    While testing we have found that FFA is the most enjoyable part of this map, here is a list of gametypes we suggest while playing.
    • FFA Slayer
    • FFA Rockets
    • FFA Snipers
    • Team Slayer
    • Team Swat

    The gametypes that are supported on Prism block are,
    • Slayer Gametypes
    • Flag Gametypes
    • Oddball Gametypes
    • King of the Hill Gametypes

    • 5x Battle Riffle, 2 Clips, 30 Seconds
    • 1x Carbine, 2 Clips, 30 Secs
    • 2x Plasma Riffle, 90 Secs
    • 1x Plasma Pistol, 120 Secs
    • 1x AR, 2 Clips, 30 Secs
    • 2x Sniper, 1 Clip, 120 Secs
    • 1x Rocket, 1 Clip, 180 Secs
    • 4x Frag Grenade, 10 Secs
    • 4x Plasma Grenade, 30 Secs
    • 1x Overshield, 150 Secs
    • 1x Active Camo, 150 Secs
    • 1x Regenerator, 180 Secs

    Red Ladder

    Blue Tunnel

    Blue Side

    Looking at Top Blue Tunnel

    Top Blue Tunnel

    Top Red Ladder

    Blue Plasma Riffle

    Overshield Spawn

    Very Top Red Ladder

    Looking at Top Plasma Grenade Room

    Inside of Top Plasma Grenade

    Blue Sniper/ Base

    Red Sniper/ Base

    Action Screenshots on next post
    #1 Adelyss, Jul 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2009
  2. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Action Screenshots
    Team Slayer: Using the sniper

    Capture The Flag: Red trying to score

    King of The Hill: Red Controlling the Hill

    Oddball: Deathtoll trying to run from Adelyss only to fall.

    Free For All Slayer: A battle around the Rocket structure

    Free For All Rockets: Shooting rockets on weak foes below

    Thank you for downloading Prism Block by Adelyss and Deathtoll77
    #2 Adelyss, Jul 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2009
  3. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
    Senior Member

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    Map was fun to build and plays great, thanks to all that tested and Addy I <3 you. It turned out well. Thanks for putting up with me :)
  4. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    From what I can remember from the original Prisoner, this is built almost exactly like it.
    Even the general colour scheme of sandy blocks matches the original colour.

    This map was a blast in FFA games, literally in Rockets.

    I didn't see much sniper rifle use in slayer games, they are quite out of the way.
    Must be quite a surprise to get sniped out of the blue because you forgot about that weapon.

    I respect Addy's decision to take out starting grenades, but I love grenades so much that I have to disagree.
    There were a few times I tried to use them in a firefight (or bounce around corners) and was unceremoniously denied.

    Use them wisely, kids.

    Remember to download the map and check it out, the pictures can't represent the map as a whole or how each part flows together.

    Fantastic work you two.
    What's next on our to-do list?
  5. Fruitista

    Fruitista Ancient
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    this map looks very intricate and well thought out and has lots of merging good job. however with all the levels and ledges and tunnels and stuff this map looks like itll be very confusing and along with the levels it seems like whoever has the high ground will have a real advantage
    edit: i know ur a premium and it may have been you didnt have enough room for action shots on the first post but its still double posting
    #5 Fruitista, Jul 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2009
  6. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    I remember playing on this, it was a lot of fun. The forging is superb, and it is very true to the original map. It doesn't exactly play like the original, but I think I prefer this over the Halo CE version, so that is definitely a good thing.
  7. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Great, just fantastic :) I was thinking of remaking this but i dunno, it's just alittle too frustrating to get everything just like the original. Takes too long and i don't have enough time

    But for your remake, amazingly accurate. I like the new placement of equipement to make it work for Halo 3, but maybe you should make another with the exact same stuff as halo:ce, same weapons and custom power ups for the health packs (interlocked into wall for smaller space?) Then make a gametype :p
  8. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Alright, so a couple of things

    1. I only played on the map with starting grenades off, but IMO it completely ruined gameplay because I only walked over a grenade spawn once or twice. You not only ignored me when I asked you to turn them on, but you insulted me by saying I didn't know what I was talking about

    2. It is very difficult to get to the upper levels from the lower levels. As a matter of fact, I didn't even know the 4th level existed until the second game. The "lifts" are very difficult to notice, but again, when I told you, you simply shrugged it off saying that you were out of budget.

    3.The layout of the map, along with the lines of sight, suggest that the map would play well with BR starts, but once AGAIN, you shrugged me off and told me that AR was the only thing that worked. So judging from the slayer gameplay with AR starts, the gameplay was below average. This was greatly affected by the poor weapon placement. I never once naturally walked by a BR, I always had to look for one, which I usualy ended with me dyeing in the process.

    I have given perfect justification for my rating, and I already gave you my suggestions, but you ignored them. I rate this map a 3/10
  9. TurretFrog

    TurretFrog Ancient
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    Great Neptune! This is impressive. It's a shame you never managed to finish in time for the Forgotten Treasures contest. Still, glad you finished so that others could play on a great remake of Prisoner. I've not seen one this detailed. I like how the grav lifts are behind the walls to get the aesthetics clean, like the original. I'm checking this out next time I'm online.
  10. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that some things are missing. Like I remember a small room diagonal from the one on the blue side 1st floor with a ramp up to a 2nd floor room that also isn't there now. Also there was a room on the 1st floor under this one that is missing if I am correct. I respectfully understand that you ran out of budget, but did you not budget-glitch because of hopes to get into matchmaking? If not I cannot comprehend your reasoning for not doing so, allowing for said missing things and the aesthetic things you wanted to add be added.

    This brings up another qualm I have, 5 brs? This is entirely too many for a map this size, hell its too many for most maps. With that many, you might as well change it to br start because that's going to be the only thing people will use with the small occaision of using the rocket. This would also even things, seeing as spawning with an inferior weapon to the br when everyone has one causes you to die even more, and lose.

    With help I believe this could be good, but as it sits with things missing (I think) and poor weapon set-up, it is only decent.

    Yes I am being critical, but you are both premiums, you should know better.
  11. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
    Senior Member

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    The map itself is 99.999% accurate to the original prisoner. The .01 would be the replacement of ladders with gravity lifts. As for the BR's, it's not that many especially with the immense height variation or this map. I know that might have sounded contradictory, but hear me out. The BR's can be strong, but there are many ways to counter, such as rockets, overshield, sniper, camo. Also the fact that most of the time if you are camping with a BR, somebody can walk up a ramp or go up a ladder and get you off guard. Grenades also contribute to this. Trust me if the map had gameplay problems, we would have either addressed them, or not posted the map at all. I assume that you're only assuming, I would suggest getting a game on it.
  12. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    OH MY ****ING GOD.

    this turned out wayyyy better than i ever anticipated. Then again, it is you two. I honestly can't believe you guys managed to include EVERYTHING with the same scale. Weapons and everything... I didn't even mention how beautiful the map is. It's gorgeous. Still bummed you didn't make it in for the contest because this would have obviously taken the cake. Download for sure, but i came in here merely to give you guys serious props because i haven't been blown away like this in a while. Props.

    rofl at Dow's post. the **** man.
  13. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    I remember when I helped you guys test this map. Thanks for the invite to it btw. Having never played Halo: CE I would have to say this is a very well forged map. I like the multi leveledness of the map, while still allowing for much space and a variety of battles. You can go in the halls or be in the giant multi-storied, open room. Overall nicely forged. Feature? Maybe just have to wait to find out. 5/5 for me.
  14. i Eat Bullets 4 dinner

    Senior Member

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    Wow map looks definitely feature worthy! I actually went on halo CE last week and i played a 1v1 on prisoner, and this map looks like an exact remake. Superb forging 4/5 (its not perfect because i dont think any map is actually perfect.)
  15. Hey Its Landon

    Hey Its Landon Ancient
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    Yeah I downloaded the map before and checked it out in forge. I really thought it was nice and I never saw the original CE map. There were really no bumps or any weapon problems for me. The map itself seemed so simple with everything, but its very complex. I also love the many ways you can get to your destination. I love maps were you can get to where you want to, without being shot if you don't want to.

    I am hoping to get ppl on the map to test it out and watch the game play unfold. Very nice job, the time that you took surely paid off
  16. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I loved Prisoner in Halo: CE. I love Prism Block in Halo 3. It is perfectly forged, not a bump in sight. It looks exactly like the original. It plays better than the original.

    Adelyss' decision to remove starting grenades was a great idea. It makes gameplay much less chaotic and tactless than if he had included them. I suggest everyone do the same when playing Prism Block.

    While there are more weapons on the map than there were on the original, they do not make the game worse. They make it better, especially for large parties. Don't worry. The map still feels exactly like the original when you're playing it. It's like you're transcending time and space when playing Prism Block.

    Everything is polished to perfection. I had two tons of fun in every gametype I played (maybe not Team Oddball though, you camping jerks!). FFA Rockets and Team Slayer especially. KotH was fun as well, though some of those hills became repetitive, but that's not a problem.

    This is my favourite remake ever. It improves upon the original. Now that's hard to do. Great job Addy and Death Toll77.
  17. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Playing this was an absolute blast! The layout is perfectly true to the original, even the weapons stayed close to the original. The moment the game started, I had some serious nostalgia, and it only got worse when I realized the gameplay was still intact.

    Team Slayer is a blast, and KoTH doesn't disappoint. This map should be a keeper on any Hardcore Halo player's hard drive! So grab some buddies and load up some games on this perfect recreation of Halo: CE's epic FFA map, Prisoner...or as it's now known as....Prism Block.

    There's really nothing you can improve with this map. Spawns are great, and map flow is perfect.

    Final Verdict:


    This map is "the cheat approved"
  18. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Prisoner is one of - if not my most - favorite map from Halo: Combat Evolved. I especially loved playing FFA Snipers and Rockets on this map.

    It looks like both of you guys have truly captured the feel of Prisoner with Prism Block. The forging is very neat, and I can tell both you guys have amazing skill and patience (which I wish I had :p) when it comes to Forging.

    I would love to give this map a download and recommend it to all of my friends. This will literally provide hours of fun FFA Snipers and Rockets matches. Thank you!

    Good luck with your future projects. I look forward to seeing them!
  19. xPromekx

    xPromekx Ancient
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    This map looks really good 4/5
  20. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    First I'd like to say I respect your thoughts on the map, but I followed what the majority of you said and felt what worked. You were really the only one to point me out on a few of these.

    1. 90% of the people I played with that played with and without grenades preferred grenades off. With grenades it turns into a nade fest. Example you are trying to get the rockets someone nades you then someone way up top sprays some AR on you. Your dead before you can touch them. The reason for the grenades off is that fact that the AR is way over powered on this map and thus turning off grenade start cuts this factor down leaving the AR a good starting weapon.

    2. This is a Prisoner remake, if you played Halo CE you should know the map. If you don't then walk around on it before you play. Sure I would of LOVED to add in some scaffolding to make bars where the lifts are but I have pulled out and pulled out so many other things in the map to just complete it that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to add those in. We are at the item budget and we have 4$ left. I'm sorry for this though, if you want go ahead and try to figure out how to manage to find items for the item limit and money without removing the lights (Without the lights the map looks like trash).

    3. Sure go ahead play with BR starts, If you really want but just be prepared for sitting in a corner and no one running around getting the power weapons. Trust me I've played games with BR start it turns into a sit in a room and not run out because of the lines of sights. Its deceiving because the map looks great for BR's but in all honesty the BR is way to overpowered on the map to have it BR start.

    4. About the weapon placement? This is the Original CE map placement plus the BR's. I don't quite understand how you never walked past one? When ever I spawned I ran around 10 ft and got one, maybe it was the fact that everyone kept taking them but honestly go into forge and look they are placed in high traffic areas meaning you walk past them a lot....

    So Don't take these as insulting your opinions, I respect them.. You can play the game with BR starts and Grenades on if you want I simply stated if you'd like the best gameplay is to play AR start without Grenades.

    Thank you everyone who commented also, ;)

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