YouTube - Primetyme and Bookbag - A Halo 3 Dualtage :: Edited by Orphanslayer Hey guys, I'm proud to finally upload Primetyme and Bookbag's 100% MLG dualtage. It features some great gameplay (awesome trip from Bookbag in the intro and epic Killtac from Primetyme somewhere in the middle) and probably my best editing to date. Incoming novel v v v v v v v v v v It has been a long road but I'm very pleased with the outcome. We had been planning this montage since last November or so. We waited a little for those guys to wrack up some clips and then it was time to get editing. Primetyme had rendered all of his and Bookbag's clips using bungie's render system, but it was in standard def quality and it looked horrible. So we waited a little longer and got them rendered in HD (still on Bungie). We thought we were looking good. Then when it came time for angles, we realized we couldn't render those, and neither of us wanted to pay for HD capturing. So we waited a week or so, contemplating what to do. Then Primetyme's friend, xsco0t3r said he was getting an HD capture card in a few weeks and said he'd cap us angles. We thought we'd found a solution. But a month later, there was still no word on the capture card. I decided that I was into editing enough that I'd be willing to fork up 200 bucks for a Hauppauge.Well of course that was backordered and didn't come for a month. Finally it arrived, 3 weeks ago, and I've been editing and capping since then. And now, it is finally up. I hope you enjoyed watching it, all songs are in the credits.
Bravo, that is seriously, one of the best montages I have seen in a long time. Great choice of music, great editing, and of course, great clips from the players. Great job.
Wow, I must say, thats probably one of the more immersive montages I've watched in a while. The music fit pretty well, and the gameplay clips were on par with other MLG montages. Editing was crisp and clean as well.
Thanks guys, it means a lot to me and I'm sure Primetyme and Bookbag would be glad to hear it was liked.
The editing on that is some of the best that i have seen /thread. And i totally agree with you, that killtack was absolutly legit.