Prime Message Body: Prime Created by KUBLUH A fast paced game. Base: Foundry Supported Gametypes: Stealth Bomber Description: This isn't just any assault game, its Stealth Bomber. I don't really know how i came up with the idea, but I know if you like fast paced games, you will love this. It even has a twist, the bomb carrier is invisible, but he has half the speed and twice the gravity. Everybody else also has double the gravity too. Everybody also has infinite ammo. The map is canyon-based like you're fighting in a canyon. Next are the screenshots showing the map and gameplay. Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch This is the defenders spawn, notice the bomb plant point behind them. This is where the attackers spawn, notice the bomb in the middle of them. The attackers exit here and go down the steps, notice that they get a sniper rifle. A section of the "canyon". After here is the bomb plant point. Step one of the "NOOB COMBO". Step two, PWND!!! BOOM!!! PWND BY MY INVISA BALLS!!! EXPOSED!!! BLOWN TO KINGDOM COME!!! Here is an over view This is a must play to see the full effect of it's epicness!!! Download Prime Download Gametype
Hey this looks great!!! With a gametype name like stealth bomber (yeah that's a cool name alright) it raises your eyebrowls to make you think "Wait, invisible bomb guy? NO WAI!!!" It looks really great to me, very creative map layout with the cover and use of double boxes as walls. Really good pictures and description. Looks like a homerun to me! Nice job. Oh and to throw this out there, maybe you could think about making a Stealth Flag or something, sounds like it might work out, but of course the Stealth Bomber idea seems really good.
I am not a fan of the layout very much, but it looks pretty okay. I like the smoothness of the interlocking. Also you said you used geomerging, but I don't see any. Just couldn't see any. Correct me if I'm wrong. Great map overall and I like the originality of it. Definitely a 4/5
thanks, there is no pics of the geomerging thank you, im thinking about releasing a second, but im waiting to see how this goes over it shows the basic layout, i cant really show more pics it shows the basic layout, i cant really show more pics
my suggestion of getting a better layout pic, is fly up as far as you can in foundry in the theater mode. that way you can see the layout of most of the map...
hey great map,I love how it looks and great interlocking,but I wish you would have a couple more pictures so that we could get a little bit better look at the map
The map looks great but you should reduce the size of the font and change the font color to make your thread more readable.
Looks alright. Nothing really stands out to me though. I think that if you were to edit the map up a bit and change some stuff and add some objects you could make a pretty cool infection map. It could be a get from here to there one or a defend the house one.
Looks good and neat. I'm not sure about the one path thing but hey it could work. Invisible Bomb Carrier is a good idea especially for one pathed map. Good Post.