Hey guys, this is my new map Pridian, its probably the smallest map I have made on sandbox. It works best with team doubles but supports up to 4 player FFA. It is spit into three sections, BLUE, RED and GOLD, which I find is quite usefull for comunication in team games. there is a rocket launcher near on spawn and a mauler near the other, other than that it is just basic weapons. I left this map alone for quite at the point i posted the preview because i could not get it right for a while , then i just went for it and forged for about four hours! It has turned out quite well so i hope you like it. weapon list BR x4 /45 seconds /two clips Carbine x2 /45 seconds /two clips Magnum x2 /30 seconds /two clips Rocket Launcher x1 /120 seconds /no clips Mauler x1 /120 seconds /1 clip Fragmentation grenade x4 /10 seconds Plasma grenade x4 /10 seconds Bubble shield x1 /90 seconds Supports Team doubles /Slayer Team doubles /CTF Team doubles /oddball team doubles /King of the Hill Free For All /Slayer Free For All /oddball Free For All /King of the Hill Screenshots ^Overview^ ^Top blue^ ^Bottom blue^ ^Top/bottom blue^ ^Rockets spawn^ ^Red room^ ^Bubble shield corridor^ ^Top/bottom gold^ ^Bottom gold^ Download: Pridian
Wow this looks amazing! the first picture really caught my eye and so did the rest of the map. The map looks very playable and very smooth and neatly interlocked. You have some pretty cool ideas in here like in bottom blue you have that wood bridge thin over that gap and in bottom gold that structure looks really nice. The only thing that could use fixing is the barrier at the rocket spawn that is made of columns. I think that you should fill in the little gaps at the sides of the barrier. But man, other than that you've made a very eye catching map (to me), and for that i give you a 4.5/5
Small but sophisticated; well forged but not overdone; intricate but simple. It's obvious that you've put a lot of time and effort into this map, and your work has certainly paid off. By all surface level counts, Pridian looks like a winner. -=Moxus=-
Good points: It looks like you spent a lot of time forging this and making sure you got the map structure right. Weapon placement/usage is also nice. Bad points: The map doesn't look particularly nice or cohesive, imo. Also, no offense but it looks quite a lot like any other team doubles map. Just subjectively speaking of course.
the floors are flat the walls are nice and straight its well done well put time!!! anyways the design is well thought out and the colors are decent and don't clash my only issue is i have a hard time seeing the weapons in your pictures you might wan't to point out what weapons are on the map other than that it's a 4.5/5 from me and a download
I like this map for all the reasons above. I mean any asshole can throw blocks down on a floor, but you went above and beyond. I really like how you created your own objects, like ghost merging two half walls into a sick window and that wickid blue crucifix. Well done man