Could any one of you fine PS fellows throw these three pics together in a panorama? I would greatly appreciate it and I'll credit the author in my post.
The images you've supplied create a deformed image in the end. You've taken the pictures incorrectly. Only move the right thumbstick when taking the screenshots. Do NOT move the left thumbstick.
yes I know that, Im not a dumbass!. What I was saying is if he wanted any colours for borders and other things. But if you simply want a normal one I can do that
Crap, I was sure I was just rotating. I'll do it again when I get home from work. Thanks for trying. Nah, borders and things like that I can do, thanks though. Just a regular one would be fine, but it appears that I ****ed it up. :-\
No worries, it's possible to make but the first picture is useless and just makes things look horrible. Only the other two images will merge together and even then it's somewhat pointless as it adds very little and still ditorts it quite a bit. I'd be happy to do it again when you get different images xD