KILL IT BEFORE IT LAYS EGGS! Bro Im kidding. This looks pretty awesome and Im just gonna say that you have some fine sketching skills.
Thanks guys, uploading a newer version of it. I changed her right eye, which is still kind of off IMO, I think it's too large now... I changed her jaw/chin and smoothed some of the shading of her face. Thoughts? I'm sending this to her in the mail tomorrow, so hopefully I can fix whatever it is that's annoying me before then. Nibbs, what don't you like about her shoulder?
The face seems to be about a thumbs width up and to the left of where it should be (using your thumb). IE, the head seems to be looking strait at us, but the facial features are at an angle, which is tripping me out. I literally had to stare for a good ten minutes to figure it out I am so jelly of your eyes. Specifically eye-lashes. I can't do those to save my life >.<
Thanks Eightball, I would show you more, but I don't have any of my other work with me atm. I'll post more when I have more. Reflex, I think it's the mouth that is giving you that vibe, I hadn't noticed it really, but unfortunately it's already in the mail heading to her place. =\ Also, I've drawn hundreds of eyes, of the face they are my strongest feature for sure. Thanks of the feedback. I do have one more version i did right before I sent it out this morning, uploading now... I worked on her left eye again, fixed her jaw bone, and a few other small things. I wish I had redone the lips. Ah well, I think she'll like it regardless.
drawn from a photo or from life? i am guessing photo, because it looks flat, and the proportion of her face seems off.
Nicely done, have to agree with Nibs on the shoulder though, looks as if she's wearing shoulder pads. Perhaps she was rockin' the 80's style, though. Great detail, but the mouth looks a little off from where it should be. I don't know, maybe this is where her actual mouth is and I've just insulted a very nice young lady... *eats hat*