In my opinion President Obama's speech was very eloquent and the fact that he was sworn in on the Lincoln bible make me bieleve that he wanted to make a very big statement about equal rights. Having a black president is such an inspiriation to the black community because its the personifcation of the idea that anything is possible now. Sadly there will always be racism in this world i do wish for the day there wouldn't be but i am a realist. I also was a little wierded out by the many prays and reciting an oath with such spirtual contiation. Overall i enjoyed the speech and found it funny how nervous during his recitation of the oath. I'm very happy to have such well spoken president but his wife's outfit was horrible.
Yeah the dress was horrible, even my mom was making cracks about it. Also when he messed up during the oath, was it his fault or the man giving him the words. (His name escapes me)
Personally, if I was black, I would be a bit upset about that. I feel as if they overplayed that "Black inequality" card, especially on CNN. Yes, it's great, we have a black man as president, but you don't have to theme it completely around that, going out of your way. I can't even tell if Obama was pleased about all that. Honestly, that singer (it's not that she was bad at all) was a bit much. You couldn't get more African American pride if you wanted. I mean, look at it this way. Here we are, preaching equality for all, no matter what race or creed, yet when we have a black man as president, we clearly single out the fact that he is black. No, I am not racist, in fact quite the opposite. I found it disrespectful to the black's to make such a big fuss over this, when all they want is to be treated equally. Making a big deal out of color, positive or negative intentions alike, the fact of the matter is that you are bringing explicit attention to that race.
I don't think you fully grasp the enormity of the situation, sir. Not even a generation ago black people would not be allowed to drink at the same ****ing water fountain as you. This race was beaten, hung, and openly mocked all for no other reason than the color of their skin double-threat of stupidity and arrogance of white people. Now someone of this same skin color is President of the United States. It's a reallybig deal to put it mildly. And "that singer" was Aretha muthafukin Franklin. She = Legendary
Barack Obama's speech was beautiful. Even though i couldn't hear much of it (because my class was really loud) what i heard from it was actually understandable and had a lot of meaning to fixing United States.
Oh, I totally get it is a big deal, and trust me, when he was elected both me and my dad remarked at the same time "this is historical". Don't think I don't understand the scale of all this, but I am simply saying that we don't need to beat it to death. It's great, it really is. It's also sad, because there are people out there right now who are saying this is the worst thing to happen ever, and still cannot accept the equality of races. But my point is, all races are equal, and focusing so much on the black community because of this is just as much discrimination as not letting them drink the same water as whites. Sure, it is beneficial, but it is still separating people based on race. And sorry, I had no idea who that was. I'm not that educated in those matters (or at all really).
Aretha was amazing i couldn't really think of any other person for this occasion. She is the real Queen of Soul.
Favorite quote from it (not from Barack though) "...when tanks turn into bulldozers." And the resteraunt one
The justice who was doing the recitation gave the wrong one, Obama prepared for a different one. I got the oppurtunity to watch the innaguration during school. Anyways, it was neat to see a transfer of power which most countries don't ever get to see. Pastor Rick Warren's prayer was rather lengthy and seemed to focuse more on fear rather than Hope. Barack's speech was great. Yo Yo Ma and his crew were pretty good. Aretha was well pretty bad. I could not distinguish a single word, only one contionous fluctuating high-pitched note. (She is legendary, but she was a great singer not is) The woman who read the poetry was terrible. The closing benediction seemed to be playing the blame game. Overall, the most memorable thing was Obama's speech which again was quite good. What I didn't like. Four years ago, NPR lambasted President Bush for his innagural ball and innauguration costing 40 Million dollars. Obama's Cost 170 Million. WTF. I and many of my conservative friends are going to give Obama the chance most democrats never gave Bush. I for one will not critisize him for not meeting expectations. I know and understand the limitations of the Presidential Office. I'm sure he'll do the best that he can, but frankly the majority of his voting base aren't going to be happy and when that happens there is going to be an democratic inner party struggle. Quote me when I'm wrong, but Obama is not the messiah and people should not have those expectations of him. It wasn't fair of Bush and it isn't fair to Obama. Here's to a happy four years Mr. President!