Debate Presidental election '08

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AllseeingEntity, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I've not entirely searched through the previous comments; so, I don't have anything to counter really. However, I can say that I'll be voting (I turned 18 just in time) for John McCain. From what I've seen, he's intelligent and has as much common sense as he does raw knowledge. The speeches are almost too rehearsed for me. Of course, I'm sure that the candidates don't know the specific questions or the order they'll come in, but they know what they'll generally be asked. It's not hard to know that you'll be asked about abortion, the War in Iraq, America's economic situation, welfare and other government funded aid systems, homosexuality, and what to do about Hillary Duff being so damn ugly.

    John McCain on Ellen- I saw most of this when it first aired. It's something that impresses me because of the differing opinions between the two of them. It takes balls to get on the show of someone who so blatantly stands for the opposite of what you stand for.

    Furthermore, the interviews at Saddleback Church were something I actually paid attention to. I'll take a quote from this page.

    Even should I disagree with McCain's opinion here, I would still respect the way he's handled it. Most anyone who can spell the word, "politics," knows that John McCain is as good a public speaker as Bush. It's truly nothing against the guy, but he just tends to stutter, ramble, and trip over his repeated words. Despite this, he held up a strong front for this interview.

    Of course, I could bring up other things, but I think I've thrown enough evidence out there for my reasoning. Finally, I'll add that even though I'm supporting John McCain, I believe the Presidential Election is merely a decision between who you feel to be the lesser of two evils. At the end of the day, they're all still crooked politicians.
  2. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    I very much agree that abortion should not be used as birth control or a cheap way out. Yes, abstinence is effective. However, abstinence-only education, which is what Palin and McCain support, is pretty much proven not to be, which is what I was saying. You misinterpreted my words. It is my belief that had Palin's daughter been taught the harmful effects and things that sex can bring upon you if one is not safe, then she probably wouldn't be pregnant today. Maybe if they taught teenagers about condoms...we would have less teen pregnancies. Know what I'm saying?

    There is nothing wrong with Islam, and what terrorists are he connected to, pray tell? Frankly, I am glad of his Islamic upbringing, because it means that he can look into the beliefs and fundamentalist rantings of the terrorists that threaten us. He can see what they believe and use that knowledge to better counteract their offensives.

    You can quite easily change the way you were brought up. I was raised in a fundamentalist christian family and I am now a firm follower of the Bahá'í faith. And clearly you did not hear Michelle Obama's speech before the DNC. It doesn't matter what kind of war record someone has; that doesn't mean they are more patriotic than any other person. Flaunting your military career and the things that have happened to you don't work. Look back a few years at the 2004 election at the stunts that John Kerry pulled with his purple heart claims. McCain is doing the same kind of thing.
    #162 DocMan, Sep 15, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2008
  3. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    Just sayin' sex education beats abstinence education any day. Teach them about their body parts so they may know what they are doing. Abstinence-only education never teaches the student about sex, it only teaches them that it is wrong unless married. Not everyone obeys, so the people who were taught abstinence-only will have no idea what the hell they are doing when having sex. Hence, Palin's knocked-up daughter.
  4. God Of Forge

    God Of Forge Ancient
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    Although both candidates support gay marraige and abortion, Obama supports, in my terms, "Forced donating". The idea of being forced to give to poor sounds a little communist to me.
  5. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Where did you hear that? I read his whole book and there was nothing about that. It's just like 4 years ago, people said that Kerry would make us go to school all year. LOL.
    I don't see what's so bad about giving to the poor anyway. I believe that Christians and Jews are supposed to give 10% of what they earn. It seems to me that people are less willing to give these days.
  6. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Um no. I attend a private Christian school where I have recieved an abstinence education which includes sex education. That is rediculous to think that abstinence does not come with knowledge about one's own body. Abstinence is to abstain from sex until marriage for some very good reasons such as being able to support a family, sharing your sexuality with only one you love most in the world.

    Personally, I think it is important to tell people that don't have to give into animalistic desires. A lot of what I see today objectifies women and teaches young men to be sexually depraved which I have even fallen victim too.

    So yeah whoever got the crazy idea that teaching abstinence is only about abstaining and doesn't include sex education is pretty behind.

    What I really dislike with public high school sex education is that it basically says it's okay as long as you're protected. It doesn't deal with an of the emotional problems that may come as a result of not abstaining.

    But you know what? I'm abstaining and I'm doing great. It's awesome to be able to have conversations with girls my age and not have dirty thoughts.
    dented_drum likes this.
  7. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    You must of had huge issues if that's the only way you can talk to girls normally. Also, the way you phrased that scares me a bit... You say that like all men are lustful beasts who can't control themselves unless they 'abstain.'

    Also, calling 'lust' an animalistic desire is bad... You shouldn't be putting an emotion 'beneath you.' That's unhealthy...

    Also, public schools expect the parents to have some form of involvment. The teacher do the itty gritty part about the actual sex, the parents have to talk about what can happen etc.

    Please tell me what it is you're paraphrasing.
  8. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    It is truly a fault that the public schooling system relies on/expects the parents being involved. I'm 18 and have had no form of a sex talk. For whatever reason, many children never hear from the very people they're supposed to hear from. Those kids usually look in other places for answers, and the next source of information (public school sex education) gives what I feel to be a sad excuse for "education."
  9. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    That is so stupid I facepalmed.

    There are some things that teachers teach you. Teachers teach what sex is, the cells, nerves and other things involved.

    There are some things that parents teach you. Parents teach you the things in life from experiance. The emotional aspect of sex would bo one of those things.
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Yes I did have issues and I have talked with many guys my age about the destructive power of pornography. It has ruined the way they view and treat women.

    Also guess what? I'm a man and I have had such a hard time abstianing, but the Lord has blessed me with the strength to perservere through that. I shouldn't have to tell you what is foremost on the mind of teenage male, women and sex. I'm saying that it would be nice if public schools could explain to teenagers that they don't have to have sex and tell them the consequences of it.

    Lust is an animalistic desire and it is unhealthy to rely upon that kind of emotion. I want that sort of hound dog desire beneath me, because before it wasn't and it was hurting me so very much emotionally, tearing me apart.

    If we leave things up to expectations we only leave room for disappointment. I also think that it is a poor idea to leave it up too parents. Many times parents act irresponsibly sexually and that affects their children.

    So many times I have seen parents be idiots and their example has affected their children negatively. So mant times have I seen people my age full of regret because their schools and families couldn't provide the proper grounding for sex education.

    The only thing that has ever given me peace about sex is the Bible.
  11. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    You're so stupid I facepalmed. Apparently he was never taught this by his parents, and the school did a poor job. I would agree with him entirely. My parents never talked about sex. I know for a fact a lot of kids don't. The next place you should learn about this is school, and all the school saw fit to teach was the STDs you can get. They showed up some nasty picture of STDs, a couple pictures of genitals and that was it. We never actually were taught about how sex works, or anything. That's why we have so many misconceptions today about sex and so many teen pregnancies. We aren't getting the proper education.

    The majority of kids are not taught about sex by their parents, and the schools do a piss poor job. The lack of education from their parents leaves the kid with a feeling that sex is just an act and nothing more. Most kids think that sex means nothing, and that fault lies with both the parents and the schools for not picking up the slack.
  12. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    In response to Rusty:

    Shouldn't it be the parents' responsibility to teach their children about sex? A parent's job is to prepare their child for the "real world" and sex is a very large part of that. If you don't talk to your child about sex in some form or another, then you aren't doing your job. It's good that the school's are taking steps themselves to educate kids, but the responsibility shouldn't remain solely with them.

    I think it depends on your location how sex ed is handled. At my school they message taught there was this: You should avoid having sex, but if you're going to...use protection.
  13. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Whose fault is it his parents never taught him the info he neede? Whose fault is it that parents don't do it in genaral? Whose fault is it that most teenagers barely even talk to their parents?

    You must of had a terrible teacher. My teacher said everything about sex. Said that it causes pregnancy, STDs etc. That was it. I knew everything about sex. Then, at the end of the lesson, I was told to tell my parents.

    End of. Parents are supposed to teach you things too you know.

    See above.
  14. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    I thought this was about the November Election, not sex-ed.
  15. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    you want to say that biden is experienced i don't want any one close to power who thinks that ,and i quote, "when the stock market crashed fdr got on the tv told everyone what they were going to do" biden 2008
    palin doesn't cover sex apeall she is intelligent which is why she lets obama and his supporters try to dig up dirt because they fail and look like retards
    it is obama wants kinder gardeners taught about sexual predators and they wont understand any of it any way so why spend money on a program that can be achieved through hey don't talk to strangers
  16. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    I think Obama would be the better choice, but McCain and Obama are not not what I want as president for the USA:

    Obama recommended Bushs tightened phone survilliance act
    He wants death penalty for child abusers
    He wants more influence of religious groups
    He supports the right of gun possession
    He supports the reduction of the abortion rights

    McCain supports the war
  17. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Somebody translate. Is that even English?

    First of all, did you get your info from Fox news?

    Second, I beleive it's the Republicans that have been digging up most of the dirt lately.

    Third, you do realise this is the woman who says Humans have had no contribution to Global Warming? You do realise that she is basicly saying Polar Bears should be extinct? You do realise that she condemns Woman who were raped to keeping the child? And that she condemns Gays?

    Also, her most damning thing, saying publicly and loudly that the US should go to war against Russia? The country with a HUGE amount of nukes.

    That's presidential intelligence right there for you.[/sarcasm]

    You are heavily misinformed, it's sad. I want you to stop watching Fox news.
  18. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    What really sums up the election for me is this:

    At Obama rallies people chant "Obama!"

    At McCain rallies people chant "USA!"

    Kinda puts things into perspective.
  19. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Chanting "USA" does not determine if you're patriotic or not. Nor does a pin....
  20. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    The 'USA' chant was used for drowning out protestors at the Republican convention. Obama didn't have to deal with that, because he is too awesome.

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