Poll: Nearly half hearing too much about Obama - Yahoo! News Here's a little something for Obama lovers, it says the almost half of all Americans are getting tired of him... I would want him to be president, but truth be told he is new, mabye on the next election. And for John Mccain... Come on people, don't let George Bush reflect on how John Mccain will be like.
i think obama would be a good president cause even though he is raising taxes, he gives it to the poor!!! if you guys are saying that then that means we will be the poor, then stop going onto forgehub and playing halo and sell it!!!!
Are you kidding me? You think his tax raises help the poor? L O L Yes it will be a bulk tax raise, rather than a percentage tax raise... So think of it. Richer citizens will only be raised a little bit according to their standards. Poor people's will be drastically raised in their standards. The system he attempts on using is broken, and will only further our countries current economic depression.
Obama is raising taxes for the wealthiest 1% of America, and cutting tax rates for the middle class. That 1% of America owns more than 50% of all america's money. Does it not seem appropriate to raise the taxes for these individuals?
sorry no Sorry Randle, somebody fed you this and you are just repeating it. If you want to dislike Obama you're going to have to find something else. Draw the Line stated the facts pretty clearly. His tax hikes are for the wealthiest 1% of the country. Middle and lower class Americans will receive a tax cut, and a major tax cut for Seniors on Social Security income.
Do you guys realize that people are voting for Obama because everything he says is just to get more people voting for him? He is not stating his opinions. John McCain is telling the truth.
I don't know if McCain Tells the truth but he does say more of his plan... Not turning the debate or w/e event he is at into IF you elect me I'll do this and this... I'm a bit HOw person..if you tell me your going to do something I need to know how...My biggest wonder is how are we going to magicaly find a new fuel source? I mean Steam wasn't funded to be found ... Gasoline wasn't funded to be found.. I don't think we are going to find a fuel source as quickly as Obama campaigns it to sound like... As for Presidents and such ...why hasn't any one linked actual info I mean the news is blanketed with this info...
McCain has actually "flip flopped" on many issues over the past few months. Obama has maintained his stance on nearly everything he has said thus far. It looks like McCain is the one trying to win votes by changing where he stands on certain topics, not Obama. So far Obama hasn't made a promise that he doesn't think he can keep, which to me proves his honesty about the rapid changing of politics in America. I'm glad a lot of you are too young to vote...
Please, McCain has every one of his supporters hipnotized and they all think he is the greatest. He will be like George Bush. All his supporters going all over the place spreading his bullshit and talking **** about someone who could be our first black president.
I absolutely hate when people bring ethnicity or gender into politics. That is why I have dreaded this election, because we have a woman, an African-American, and a white. I have nothing against any of them for being those things, but the problem is that, well, they are those things. You see, when people like this step up to the plate and run as candidates, the voters forget why they are voting. Instead of backing the candidate who is the most qualified, they cheer Clinton because she’s a woman. They love Obama because he’s an African-American. Very few people remember that they need someone who knows how to drive this nation for four years. I’m not saying that I support McCain, but to vote for someone only because they are different is blind and stupid. That being said, I applaud anyone who has the sense to look past what they are and see what they will do. However, I have no personal opinion yet for the same reason as Chips. I’ll have to see how it goes. Not that I can vote anyway, being 15 and all. >.<
agreed with aIEklypseI and really think about it this way would you vote for someone with for years experiance in senate to quote a democratic vise presidential candidate i am not qualified for this the only reason they chose me was because i am a womenits the same with obama i would vote mccain if he only had 4 years of senate. also he is not another george bush and if anyone wants to whine hes going to tax breaks to big companies get over your self when they have more money they can hire more people hence you have more money economy increases duhh also lower cost products.
i think ralph nader should be pres just because he is the lesser of the evils running (especilly not mccain though his cheek scares me)
Obama. He is going to change the U.S.A. I don't trust John McCain, there's something about him I just do not like.
Hahahaha....Cmon....really? I wrote all of this before seeing the "Isn't"...But I'm leaving it up anyway Obama has almost no foreign policy experience, and little legislative experience, and has shown that numerous times during the election. The man has already stated "I'm not sure how to solve the energy crisis but I am looking into it". We don't need to babysit Obama for 4 years while he learns to be president. We need someone who already knows. If that is how you make your presidential decisions. I pray to god you cannot vote. I love you.
The praying mantis. He is definitly winning this election. Seriusly I don't know who to choose. I will choose before the election is over though(I'll try).