Sandbox Prepare to drop onto the city

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by cowboypickle23, Oct 10, 2009.

  1. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Prepare to drop
    onto the City

    By: cowboypickle23

    The covenant have invaded every single aspect of our lifes.
    They've killed off tons; not many have survived. but now one of there phantoms has found the little city known as terrace. They are tearing the city apart and for some reason they are just not leaving the town of terrace alone. Maybe they know the secret of terrace, the secret the could potentially be the deciding factor on the war. We cant take that chance. Were sending in Orbital drop shock troopers.

    Your mission is to stop that rouge phantom from finding the secret of terrace. If you fail, well lets just say if you fail this mission you perhaps fail the entire population of earth. Weve dropped some supply of ammo onto the city but it is scattered around. We dont want to give the covenant all that we have. Good luck troopers. CAN YOU DO IT!!!

    Your mission is to stop the odst's from hiding whatever it is that they're hiding. and once yo stop them, you find it.
    These guys are tuff. but teamwork and determination will help us prevail.

    Ok so after that awsome story, not, i guess ill tell you alittle more about the actual map. If you start as a human (ODST), you will be in a small room. there is a shelf with some ammo on it so i suggest stacking up while you can. Once ready, go through the sweet teleporter thing which will take you to the drop pods. simple enough, you walk in, you drop. Than you fight and try to scavage for ammo, which yes is scattered through the map, but not very much. If your a covenant you will start out dying. yes very sad. but this is so the ODST dont get bum rushed once they drop. it gives them more time. once you spawn you will be in 1 of 4 rooms. A brute the rare one where you get a bubble, spikers, spike grenades, and a brute shot. A jakal where you get a deployable cover, a carbine, and a beam rifle. A grunt, where you get plasma nades. and f you want you can double wield plasma pistols. After a while a chopper will spawn for you, take advantage of it. And alittle later you will get a wraith.

    Now for pictures



    So thats the basic concept of the map. please comment and give suggestions.

    Oh and by the way, dont even try to camp the ODST spawn

    Download-Prepare to drop
    Download-To the city
  2. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
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    Fix font color, please.

    Not much to say about your map, it has been done before. The "ammunition shelf" needs more ammo. Do you really think 2 Smgs/Magnums can sustain 16 people? Yeah, good luck with that.

    -1 Originality
    -1 Not nearly enough weapons

    +1 Neatness
    +1 Forging Techniques

    Score: 75/100
  3. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map. could you maybe post a close up of the phantom?
  4. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    again why are you guys using this bullsh*t really. White! Post are simply easy to read and then there retards like you who some how dont see anything. thats why forgehub is going down cause of forgers who do this and blame the forger. No Offence but its true. it happened to my map. anyway, cowboy nice job. I Saw this when you were forging and I was like WTF?. But Still Awesome Map Dude.

    + Story (+1)
    + On Phantom (+2)
    + ODST Drop Pods (+2)
    + On Weapons Accuracy (+2)
    = On Ground Base (+1)
    - On Classes (-1)
    - Low Ammo (If you have 16 players) (+0.5)
    + On Campaign Idea (+2)
    - On Small ODST Base (-1)

    Overall 8.5/10 Nice Map, I'm Downloading.
  5. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    As far as originality goes, I've seen maps like this many, many times. However, not many remakes have a starting room as good as yours and I haven't seen one with a phantom. So congrats at making it slightly unique. The landing area is another story. The area between the phantom and the base is almost devoid of cover, making the covenant easy pickings. If you have enough money try to add some more structures to that and maybe add a ghost or wraith to make it more fair for the Covenant.
  6. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    after i think 45 seconds the covenant get a chopper. and 90 seconds they get a wraith. its supposed to be like firefight with drop pods

    ive completely changed the map and i will try to upload the new pictures tonight. i think the map will be alot better now. and it actually will fit the story line if you pay close attention.
  7. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    Good Job on the map Cowboy i like it alot the phantom is really cool same with the odst starting area :D i rate it 5/5 good job Buddie
  8. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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  9. Master Spartan

    Master Spartan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It is a really awesome map I just like the idea of the killball spawning in the room espcially if someone is away.
    #9 Master Spartan, Oct 11, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  10. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    I really like ODST variant games so im dling now. Hopefully ill be able to get a good game on it and give constructive criticism. What i can tell from the pictures is that you have an "ammunition rack" with barely any ammo. And sence all the weapons are scattered through the city, maybe they should get more to start off with. The idea of the phantom is cool, and you did a pretty good job with it. The map is pretty well forged, you did a good job with that but the city looks really empty and not much like a city. And yes i realize that you probably hit the object or money limit.

    Dude i really hope your not serious. You see on forgehub there are different skin types, and one of those skin types has a white background which is what it used to be a long time ago. Some of the older members still use that background and some other members just like it. Whenever someone posts in all white, the people with certain skins can't see the text since you cant see white on white. Makes sence to me at least
  11. xDigitalFatal1ty

    Senior Member

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    like the idea but i didnt like the game play 2 much i didnt find it was fun i never found ammo and i could easily spawn camp the phantom if you expanded it and made a few more bases and even another phantom or to it could be fun
  12. Bigtuffzoro57

    Bigtuffzoro57 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good Map

    This is A good map And it's Fun to play on

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