Find a good hiding place. More importantly, find the Predator... before he finds you. The picture above gives you a fairly good idea of the map, but you can't see everything from this angle. I know this map looks like it sucks, and it is small, and crappy, but it is great for Predator. The only game compatible with this map is Infection, preferably Predator. Just download and you'll see how good it is. Can you survive without being seen? Download Predator's Base Download Predator (Game)
your pictures are somehow very very small and even when clicked on are small here is a guide on how to embed pics, by xX5w33ny70ddXx
Your pics are hard to see due to smallness ( wtf is that a word ) try using photobucket to embed your pics. Or the problem could be that when you saved the pictures from bungie you just copied them instead of saving the full size picture. Hope this Helped Other than that from looking really closly to the pics it looks kind of fun, but looks kind of open. Welcome to Forgehub
yeah, the pictures are too small, you should fix it to get effective downloads, I advise you make an account on image shack and upload your pictures on it then copy and paste.
The pictures are extremely small but from what I see the map could use some cover. Even if you purposly made it so empty, a lot of people will probably give you flames thinking it's laziness.
guys he gets that there small... putting that aside the idea sounds really good i cant wait to see it. on the other hand i dont know what your game is about could you try to explain it more plz
it isnt designed well. there is a huge lack of walls and cover and it looks messy.(try to fix those pics too) doesnt look tactical either and not many hiding spots. you should make a version 2 all it can do is help.plz dont take this offensivly
arent predetor maps supposed to be closed off? this is a new twist on all predator maps ive seen, and its ok might want to flip boxes and cridges to smothen it out mabey add some more othe map mabey some moable objects
Not sloppy, great, good interlocked and very not boring. PERFECT though you need more cover and a little more exiting. Also great that you enlarged the pix!
"Not sloppy, great, good interlocked and very not boring. PERFECT though you need more cover and a little more exiting. Also great that you enlarged the pix!"- ForgyForge did you even look at the pics, i dont see any interlocking at all besides near two ramps maybe, but that doesnt really look like it. you think its not sloppy, how? the fencewall bridge is not straight, ramps dont line up right, and the fencewall stairs are not even. youve gotta be friends with power7762.
This map could be better if you added more cover like crates, wire spools, and such. you also could straighten out some things like the open box in the second picture. Oh, and you should flip and interlock the bridges because it makes the map look better! 3/5, with some work you could greatly inprove the quality of this map!
I agree with Rewib. I didn't see a lot of interlocking, but thats ok if the map doesn't need it to play well. I think that it is extremely open and people would be very easy to find. In your V2, put in some more interlocking and hiding spots. I mostly see walkways and double boxes together, not many hiding spots. Great idea though.
this map does look fun and could use more cover but im glad how people are making new predators maps because the game is alot of fun and the original map was very sloppy. ALSO: I hate when people just repeat whats already been said 100 times...its almost as if they just do it to get there post count up.. but i dunno 3.5/5
actually there is quite a bit of interlocking in the map, but you can't really see it in the pictures, and I have also updated the map, and I will be posting the new pictures within an hour. if you download, then you will really see how much interlocking has been done. for example, all of the bridges, the roof on one of the houses, and some other things. in the updated version of the map, there is much more cover and isn't as empty. by the way, the blue parts of the map (with the rooms and the long hallway, and the two "parking lots") are empty, and is where the Predator spawns. the reason I left this space empty is because if the space is empty, you will not want to be out in the open, which will make it harder for the Predator to get to you if you are in a closed area. now obviously not utilizing this extra space makes the map a lot smaller, which it was intended to be when I planned it, and a smaller map makes for a more suspenseful game. (and by the way, none of the people who responded to this are my friends, but instead are good FH members trying to help a fellow map-maker.) thank you for all of the constructive criticism, and all of the negative criticism too. anything helps. (and btw, Predator is an infection game where the infected are invisible, can jump much higher, run faster, and have a sword. the humans have a battle rifle and a shotgun, and the can't jump very high.) gamertag: arbiter752
I would have made i cleaner and inter locked alot was good but to me i didn't care for some of it. I'm not saying it wasn't good just not great.
You need to do the simple things like interlock some things and maybe even geomerge double boxes so more people will download your maps.