So I gues it's been awhile since i have posted a map. First Year of HighSchool so yeh. been sorta busy and I'm pretty tired at the end of the day. And Comment below! It is disappointing when I see no comments Anyways, this is Precedent A forerunner themed Map. It is Map 1 in a trio of forerunner inspired maps. The other map is on tempest, which I'll post soon. (If i'm not bein lazy ;D ) Here is a Brief Video below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRECEDENT Halo reach Map: Precedent - YouTube ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Map prob only took a few hours. but completed within a span of a few days. Worked on it bit by bit. The plaza area was built first then it evolved into the surrounded structures. Images below Front Side [/B] Plaza Back side Sky view
Why did you put it in the "Aesthethic Maps" Section? But other that Pretty awesome map and from the pictures it looks like it will do well with infection
Looks excellent. I must say I also wish this were converted into a competitive map though. Any chance you're next forerunner themed map will be playable?
Love the design but you really should try a gameplay themed map with forerunner aesthetics, that would be badass. Forerunner themed competitive maps get lots of attention.
You really should make a gameplay oriented map with aesthetics like this, with all do respect it feels like you're being lazy by making all these forerunner themed maps but none have gameplay in mind. Due to that it feels like they kinda lack purpose. Just a suggestion. Map looks good.
Next one is on tempest. Bit small, so I'm not sure. I'll take into design of converting this one though.