PRE GEOMERGED CRANE WITH FUMGC (outside of map!) Took me about 25 minutes, i was slowly working on it and listening to music. This is for all the beginner forger's out there needing this pre-done for them! Thanks guys!
I'm sure you probably made it but I saw a map yesterday that had it geomerged just like you did. Did you delete everything except that or did you actually do it yourself/get inspired by the map I saw?
i used carrotychip's **MONEY map....with the unlimited budget glitch on the OUTSIDE of foundry....its the most downloaded FUMGC out there, with over 40,000 downloads......plz downloadz!
yeah geomerged, and yeah, its a forge website, the best one at that, and of course it has geomerging, interlocking, even switches (call out to my guys at h3artificer!!!) so yeah