Pre-DLC: Transit

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by evilvillager, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    Download Transit

    Download Conquest v3
    Download Conquest v4

    Map Description:
    (please read)
    The whole conquest map is divided into sections. There are a total of 5 sections, and there are teleporters connecting almost all of them. Two rooms are for the team spawning area, once they go through a teleporter, they each go into their second territory. They cannot go back into the spawn room (to prevent spawn killing). Then at the end of the 2nd territory room is another teleporter that leads them to their 3rd territory (or center territory). There they can fight and also go into the other team's 2nd territory.
    Each room territory has its own environment to it, the first one: everything is normal, gravity, flat floor etc. The second room: is flooded with water up to your knees, explosions and bullets cause water splashes. And last room (center room): (you are directly under the map boundary so) whenever you jump, you automatically get bumped down onto the floor. So basically jumping gets you nowhere.

    The 2nd territory is composed of 4 open containers put together. The territory range is the size of two open containers. The 3rd territory is a big area to fight in and the territory range is also the size of two open containers but about two times wider.

    History of Building the Map:
    After playing around in Sandbox, I of course had enjoyed it. But there was just always something missing in Sandbox compared to any other maps; no matter what, the aesthetics will never compare to Bungie's original map geometry. So I decided to go back into Pre-DLC and try to build a map off of it. So I decided to build an Conquest map since it would be simplest. And now, it has led me to this map. Since there was no certain area that would allow me to create a full conquest map. I had to section off each territory into a room by itself then have teleporters connect them.

    Weapon List:
    (RR=respawn rate, SC: spare clip, PAS: place at start)
    4x Spike Grenade: RR= 20, PAS: yes
    (two per team)
    2x Brute Shot: RR= 60, SC= 1, PAS= yes
    (one per team)
    2x Battle Rifle: RR= 30, SC= 1, PAS= yes
    (one per team)
    4x SMG: RR= 30, SC= 1, PAS= yes
    (two per team)


    Team 1 spawn room: (1st territory)


    Team 1 room two: (2nd territory)

    where the territory marker is:

    Team 2 spawn room: (1st territory)


    Team 2 room two: (2nd territory)

    where the territory marker is:

    Center room: (center/3rd territory)
    Sorry for having the elite in the view, but the spot I chose for this section is out of the map. So theater mode doesn't allow me to detach from the player. (The crates in front of the teleporter allow minor cover.)



    Territory range:
    Team 1 spawn room:
    Basically the whole room.

    Team 2 spawn room:
    Basically the whole room.


    2nd territory: (both are identical)
    Size of two open containers side by side.


    3rd territory:

    #1 evilvillager, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  2. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    Extra pictures due to the 20 picture limit:

    Team 1 spawn room: how its blocked off


    Team 2 spawn room: how its blocked off


    Team 1, 2nd territory: an outside view


    Team 2, 2nd territory: an outside view


    Center territory: distance between teleporter and cover

  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    you hit the pic limit beause you posted some of the same pictures twice.
    also im all for the pre dlc thing but conquest is not a simple idea for a map it requires lots of plannng and testing.
    and a thing to look out for is tele camping, because a whole theam has to come out of 1 teleporter to attack, the other theam could, after they capture the middle territory, justcamp and win with the most territorys every round.
  4. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    Yes, I found out about the repeated pictures right after I posted. Its fixed now.
    I just said it was simpler because building a whole new map off of Bungie's original geometry would be like competing against Bungie, and there's not much of a way to win since they made it themselves.

    I'm not too sure about the tele-camping though, I never got the chance to test it out because my Xbox Live subscription ran out.
  5. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    I can guarantee that there would be teleporter camping. I've played conquest with teleporters before, and teleporter camping makes it far more difficult to recapture any territory. Some of the weapon spawns are not a good idea. With the limited resources you had to block off stuff, the brute shot and grenades if you have them will making breaking out a simple matter.
  6. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Hey about time we see another Conquest map! I agree with most of the previous comments. Its difficult to make teleporters work well in a Conquest map. Perhaps you have heard of the Conquest map, Bunker Bridge? It too uses teleporters, but they really hurt the gameplay in that case. Because you have teleporters for each territory, it may be different for this map. It would take a few rounds to know for sure though.
    [You mentioned that your XBL subscription expired right? If you have plans for renewing the account, I'd be happy to help you improve the map or test it with you. If not, no worries.]
    I think you did fairly well on the weapon placement though. But i do think plasma grenades would be a better choice for the gameplay of the map. And I would seperate them into seperate rooms as well. I think its cool that you used the top of the base to house a territory by the way. If you plan on making any immediate changes to the map, here are a few guides to help you out:

    Gunnergrunt's Conquest Guide
    The Book of Conquest
    Complete Gametype description: Conquest

    #6 Gunnergrunt, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2009
  7. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    Could you explain how the tele-camping would look like in a battle? Because I kept imagining that a team could be all rushing into 1 teleporter and then just creating another huge fight that can only be decided by skill.
    Btw, escaping the map isn't possible (with my testing so far). The spawn rooms are completely blocked off by a closed container which is immobilized. Second room is also completely blocked off since you're trapped inside a row of open containers. Inside the last room, your body is squashed directly under the map boundary so you can't jump at all. (That was one of the unique things I thought would be cool inside a map along with the water.) Sorry for leaving that out, it is now added into the map description.

    Gunnergrunt, I took a closer look at the guides for weapons in Conquest maps, but I'm not too sure what else I could do to modify the current weapons. Spacing the weapons out won't work because I'm afraid that the weapons and grenades will float around in the water, and of course putting weapons in the last room wouldn't be a good thing. And if you want to help me improve the map, you can, like play test it, edit it, etc, you don't have to of course. But just to tell you, I won't be able to be alongside with you, and I'm moving this summer, so I won't even be on an Xbox till August.
    Oh yeah, and will this be added into the Summary of Disputed Lands list?
  8. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    Wow, I love the idea of this map. The terrain changing is brilliant. Going from dry cement to chest high water. That is truly a good idea. Also, I pressume that it is inescapable? I also like how you used the higher up place in the building. Helped make the walls, right? Anyway, this is a brilliant map. Congrats on being such a genius. You have my download.
  9. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I'm floored to see somebody finally taking a crack at Last Resort conquest!! I've always been a bit puzzled by the fact that there's not like 8 already on LR, it seems obvious to me. It's been done once before to my knowledge, but it took a modified gametype. I'd like to see if we can crack this walnut and get a great course on Last Resort.

    I love that leg in the water, it's an amazing touch. But like the others have said, the teleporters are a huge problem. It's not as easy as you're imagining to take your team through and clean house, because when you go through you're disoriented. At that instant, you have no idea where to expect enemies, but they know exactly where you'll be.

    Let me show you a map that might be useful. Concussion by squidhands uses teleporters. Squidhands has taken some good measures to make them work. There are only 2 sender nodes, leading form the bases to the center area. If you do use teles, I reccomend you try to limit it to only 1 leg like on Concussion. Also, squidhands uses multiple receiver nodes all set to the same channel, so that players will come out of any one of them at random. This helps greatly in throwing off tele-campers. They are high in the air, which helps as well. Anyway, check out Concussion. There's also a rather genious system for return-teleporters, but with some obsticles, so that attackers can storm the opponents bases.

    But great work so far in sealing everything off. I'll add this to the Summary of Disputed Lands regardless of what you decide to do with it, but I see potential here, and I hope you decide to take this further.
    #9 Indie Anthias, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  10. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    Thanks for the support. But as I said before, this will probably be my last map before I move on to Halo 3 ODST and I won't on my Xbox for another 2 months. So if you're expecting anything from me soon, don't. This could be too much to ask, but could somebody do 1 or 2 playtests for me and give me an update on how the game went, especially about the tele-camping situation. And Predicide, thanks for adding my map into the Summary of Disputed Lands, I always wanted to make in impact on ForgeHub in some way even if its something as little of a hyperlink to my thread.

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