So, I'm calling GameStop to see if they would let a valuable high paying 16-year-old pick up Reach at 12am.
In order of importance to me: NROTC Scholarship Georgia Tech MIT Vanderbilt Texas Carnegie Mellon Texas A&M Purdue? (maybe not, I've heard it is a dreary place)
Damn you American censorship laws. I called GameStop and here is what happened... Me: "Hey, I want to come and pick up Reach but I'm only 16 and I can pay." Phone Dude: "*small chuckle* Sorry but you have to have an adult or guardian with you to come and pick up any reserved games we cannot let that slide." Me: "Oh, whatever then." Phone Dude: "Sorry man, it's just the way it is." Me: "OK.............." *Hang up click*
i would actually recommend Purdue over any of the others. MIT and CMU are obviously good schools (as are the rest, those probably the most prestigious though), but from everyone i have talked to they are better to go back for graduate studies, while a public school like purdue is better for undergrad. i plan on going to most likely penn state, maybe purdue or virginia tech and major in engineering, then (hopefully) get a job after i graduate and go to like CMU night classes to get my MBA and let my employer pay for it. although i suppose that doesnt matter if youre trying for ROTC
I'm sitting on a 30 Act 3.8 GPA If I actually studied or didn't stay up the night before the ACT, I probably would have done a lot better But whatever. I'm not looking for a full ride.
It's a good thing I was transferred to the smaller, newer school in my district. Much smaller class, which in turn caused me to be number 10 in my class last year without studying at all and doing hardly any homework outside of class.