Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SargeantSarcasm, Apr 14, 2010.
I've been gone two days, and we're still on the same gay title.
YouTube - Owl City New Song: Strawberry Avalanche HQ Lyrics
I farted just now.
I RESENT THAT. noncaps.
YouTube - Fuzzy Blue Lights- Owl City
This title sucks ass.
YouTube - Little Boots - Remedy (Rusko's Big Trainers Remix)
New title plox?
Just watched doni darko, that movie was purely amazing. Woah
Morning bump
6:38 bump
boo urns
3.5 hours sleep and then a 7 hour shift at work. man up.
I'm back you whiney little bitches. Title change to represent my current mood.
3 hours sleep, school, then a 7 hour shift at work
come on me, bro.
Come on my bro.