just try and follow the rule of thirds, it could help you in your design you have the music lines cutting it in half, and the moon is nearly taking up a square quarter of the shirt. try thirds.
for that heart one, put it where the heart would be, that's an interesting spot. it's better than just having it come to the center of the design. also, make your own blood and dont reuse drips and splatter. it's uninteresting to see repeating things that shouldnt be repeated, and the eye will always find patterns. you might want to just go over to GnA with these. they'll provide you with plenty of feedback.
Yeah, but I get quicker reviews from you guys here. And these things aren't designed for artists, they're designed for people. I could post something and everyone in the GnA say "Wow, look at the depth and color coordination, and look at those effects! You put tonnes of work into this so it's awesome man!", and regular (at least in the graphics department) might look at it and say "What ****... I wouldn't wear that".
Yes, but you also have the ability to say "wow, that looks bad from a regular persons point of view".
I LOLD so ****ing hard at your comment RST. One of the main reason I don't want to bother trying graphics and posting them here because all it will be is "needs moar depth, needs more c4d and fractals, needs more flow, needs more troll".
I'm sorry? <3? It's a good song bro, your welcome, too bad the singer killed himself, like, two weeks ago. :\
This is the remix that Epic Bro posted. YouTube - Dance The Way I Feel (Armand Van Helden Mix) - Ou Est Le Swimming Pool