Occam's Razor, not to the question but the situation. Stick is a bit challenging at first, but once you have it down it's actually enjoyable to drive.
Ya, I should learn to drive a stick anyways. The best one I found was 5k, but my dad just looked at me and said, "Why the f*ck would anyone want one of those?" I said it's pretty dang cool and he told me to buy a mustang. I have heard.
Boring thread is boring. So, found a fully finished mustang 67, fastback, V8. Nice paint. $8,000. Is this a ****ing steal or what?
Gotta convince my parents to front up the money for it. My dad wanted one for $5,000 that he and I could work on and fix, I'm trying to convince him that he'd end up spending more than $3,00 on fixing up a car like that.
I remember hearing about some guy my dad knew who fixed up a porsche 911 for about 70k and ended up only getting under 30k for it
I saw the exterior and was dragged in but once I saw the red leather(?) seats I pondered why the hell then clicked back. EDIT: Hellz yeah. EDIT: 'Nuther.
Just got back from an Aerosmith concert. Was ****ing awesome. Best part was when Joe Perry got all pissed that people thought they were better than him because they beat him in Guitar Hero, then proceeded to duel his virtual self.
There was a clean, gorgeous yellow mustang ('67 I think) for sale near my school a few years back being sold for $2k and it looked like it was in working condition. My parents were going to buy me another car if I couldn't fit into the one they had (I'm 6'6, compact cars can be bitches at times) and I definitely could've said that one...but I don't like lying, and ended up telling them that the car we had was fine. Oh morality :C