Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SargeantSarcasm, Apr 14, 2010.
And bewbs.
And... No wait, you two covered it.
Wat about butt?
No. fllr
and ears.
Ya, butts aren't that nice.
HOW!? Just.. HOW?!
You're 13 bro. Calm the freaking freak down.
): Sowwee
It's k.
I have one of these: Keep A Breast Foundation I Heart Boobies Bracelet : PDP
LOL.. night PPC
Hm... not too much activity in the new shoutbox...
It's 11:30.
YouTube - Simple and Clean - Kingdom Hearts 1 Theme Song I want to play this again soooo bad.
Ah! The new chatbox disappeared
Woah, WTF?
I was trying all the skins to see if it would come up. No luck.