I want one. Speaking of, I had a dream that I got a Macbook Pro.. TL;DR of Dream at bottom My dream started off having of a fire inside an Apple store, and I stole a still-working iMac. The FBI was outside, and I felt like crap, so I gave it back to an FBI-agent. Then, the FBI-Agent I gave the iMac back too, told another one to get me something. I felt down, so the Agent started to play a video game with me, it had a giant N64 Controller. After that, I was in my house going to my brother's room cause he stole my Macbook and my iTouch. He put a password on my iTouch and as I was taking it back along with my Macbook, I woke up. TL;DR Big Mac Dream; fiar and steeling. In other words, Hows teh PPC doin tudai?
I'm watching a guilty pleasure while the rest of my family is at Toy Story 3. I hope I finish it before they get back.