Gimme your email address so I can send u inv, click the link in response, sign up, watch vids and login everyday to earn ptz.
bottom left every day, where you see the date in white? Click it. +2. Dailies question. any answer, doesn't matter. +2. Every day a new video for the dailies comes up, starring the owners of Lockerz. Watch, and +2 For a little while, after each answered dailies question, there will be two more questions in green, below the one you just answered. +4 Till the end of the weekend, all videos watched will be multiplied by 3. That means the dailies video you watched earlier adds another 4. 6 ptz per video x 700 videos in their library = 4200 available ptz, if you can watch a lot of them over the weekend. I advise watching all the Dailies, they average around 30 seconds each.
Theorem, when you're holding something that you got from Lockerz that has a transistor in it, i'll eat my hat.
Okay, lemme get a list of everyone who has RDR. What level are you all? I just started today and hit 13-ish I think.
Black Theorem, two questions.. Did you get my Xbox Message? How can you make custom Themes, Docks, and Icons for your iPod Touch?