what do you guys think of my new sig. and prof. picture? Windows Paint ROCKS! (btw.. does photoshop take a while to DL?)
Yeah. I felt like they were synonyms guess I was wrong. I'm tired of using stupid paint when I could be expanding into the horizons! EDIT: Do you use GIMP Benji? I'm checking it out and it looks very similar to photoshop.
I'll download it. My dad frowns upon illegal downloading anyways so Photoshop wouldn't have been a very good idea.
Plus, if you download Photoshop illegally, the police will come to your house and rape you. Happened to a friend of mine.
My ego is now only used as a joke, I could care less about being Loyal or not. And for this whole keep it a secret ****, I mean honestly does it really matter? Sarge there have been very few times I have actually enjoyed your company. You're a... hmm... you're just a bad person like right down to your core. You joke around some, but why are you so hard on people? I mean you must be aware of your reputation as the strictest moderator. Ah well...