Tomorrow is my first day of senior year at high school. Wearing a hawaiian shirt and being a sarcastic **** all day.
Just named my network (that all of my apartment complex can see) "It Hurts When IP" ...please hold your applause.
When we first setup a wireless router at home we named it Washington because my dad didn't want people to guess who's house the router was in... Yeah that makes sense. Still the name stuck. Eventually we setup all the home entertainment and gaming systems in a room on the other side of the house and tried using relays to get wifi there. It didn't work well. So we setup a second router known as Washington II in the game room. Our house was covered except for one room... My room... Years later spawned Washington III in my room. We were covered. Now when I setup my router in my apartment in Australia I named it... Washington IV.
That's good Loscocco, my network is called "FBI Surveillance Van". I think my chick got the idea from Facebook but still, there had to be somebody on the block like "what the?..."
My wifi name is still a random set up letters and numbers. I couldn't think of anything clever, plus I don't see my neighbor's wifi on any of my devices, so they either suck, or they suck.