IRC is basically a chat room software. Individual chat rooms are called channels. I started a channel called #FHPPC. To start, you need to download an IRC client. If you're on firefox, I recommend Chatzilla. Once you download the client and get it all going, everything you do besides the actual chatting is done by "commands". To perform a command, type /(command). I'm pretty sure to get to the channel I started, you have to join the server first. Do this by typing "/server" without the quotation marks. Once you're on the server, you can join the room by typing "/join #FHPPC" again without the quotation marks. There are other things you can do like setting your nickname but I recommend just googling that because it will probably explain it better than I can.
I'm about to get in. My thing is supposed to be lifted now supposedly. Testing... Edit: Yiss. Now I can edit too!
Armani, Versace, Dugatti, Buggati Last name Cash and my first name Johnny I don't slap you, your might Yo Willie Whips, what that like?
So I was eating one of these for no reason other than because it was there. By the end of it, my tongue was stinging like I just took a sip of boiling water. Not only was I in pain, my tongue was ****ing bleeding. I finished that thing hours ago and my tongue still hurts.