Furry, where did you come from? I mean I don't remember seeing you around until like a year ago. (I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just curious)
I've been around, with bursts of activity here and there. This is actually my second account though, I requested that my old one be deleted and stuff. Same name and stuff but I usually just hung out with people on XBL. Originally hung out with people over at b.net, then H3customs, then Forge Guide, then Forge Hub, then Ghosts of Onyx, then Forge-Union, then here. I forgot XForgery but I think it was about a week before I rage quit there. So yeh, I've been around. I appear offline so I'm actually in here way more than I should be.
I think I may have been in theee for a bit but left because they were retarded but not ljke those xforgery turds
I applied twice. They didn't let me in. I had a shitty map featured here and I only wanted to be a tester level member because I knew I wasn't a good enough forger to be a contributor.