Talkin’ bout dang ol politics man, like Obama man “vote for me vote for me” and man Romney dang ol “vote for me vote for me” tell ya what man dang ol gov’ment pay him taxes ya know.
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Well chaps, I tried to change the tester's guild and the review hub to better service the community and it ultimately went down in flames. Time for a viking funeral.
Bury it in a glacier. EDIT: Roller Coaster Tycoon is ****ing hard as ****. John B. was in a park for FIVE ****ING MINUTES before he threw a tantrum and left. Turns out the bastard didn't buy any food nor go on any rides. "I'm thirsty." "I'm hungry." "Anal twist looks too intense for me." "I want to go on something more intense than Anal Demise." **** you John B.
Yep. RH would roll into TG and would provide detailed written feedback. Essentially, the short, quick method is: 1) you signed up for a lobby hosted by a tester 2) showed up with your map, played it and got first-hand experience on it, then verbal feedback in-game from the other map authors and the tester hosting the lobby. 3) Also, small written summary in the sign-up thread after the game (though that was still being worked out). You can do this as many times as you want. The longer method, if you wanted very very detailed feedback (basically the Review Hub's review but for maps in progress): 1) you'd sign your map up into a queue (basically how TG/RH handle their respective work now) and you'd get it whenever they got to it. You can only do this once (twice if you earn enough points as a member of the tester's guild). The idea being this is the final stop (after extensive first-hand testing) before you submit it to the forums, to hammer out any minor things you may have missed. Basically it was designed to be quicker, more efficient and more direct than the current "hand the map off to someone else" method. And since everyone takes an active role in testing their own maps, every map actually gets tested.
Shower. Vote. Seven Psychopaths. Buy Halo 4. [maybe] Eat. Grab girl. Frankenweenie. Home. Halo 4. [maybe] Eat. Sleep.
US ELECTION FACT: During the election itself neither candidate can campaign. Both men are locked in a room and forced to watch Highlander.