Spoiler I still think they're going to milk the franchise for every last penny, ergo, Nightwing/Robin (I'm hoping Nightwing) series.
Spoiler I hiiiiighly doubt they will. It was Nolan saying "even though this is the end for Bruce, this isn't the end of Batman" not "even though this is the end of my story, this isn't the end of my universe." I don't know why everyone keeps thinking it was a setup for another film, it very well could be, but I'm certain that wasn't Nolan's intention at all. It was fanservice.
Spoiler plus nightwing is **** Grayson, not Robin Blake. I think naming Robin "Robin" was dumb. One of my two gripes with the film. That and Batman's flying vehicle wasn't called the batwing.
Spoiler Batwing was a lame name. Seriously, just because things can have the word "bat" put in front of them doesn't mean it should.
Spoiler saying "the bat" is like ending a scale on the leading-tone. It needs an extra syllable or it just feels weird.
lolblake [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also, Caine gave some of his best on-screen speeches in that film ... the first one gave me goosebumps.