I hate that thread and already planned on discussing the movie here with Linu, sooooo don't click the spoilers.
holy steroid abuse batman, how are we going to get out of this one! That's simple chum, I'll just use the Anti-doping Agency officials I keep in my bat utility belt. That dastardly crook will be up to his mask in fines and he'll even possibly have to give a public apology. What do you think of that my caped companion. Golly gee that plan's swell Batman
anybody with respect for film as an art form generally stays clear of that thread i like to call it the "everybody pretends to be Ebert" thread [br][/br]Edited by merge: this muh-muh-makes me happy.
Thinking about getting LA Noir, GTA4, and Thief. Anybody got any opinions on those games that I don't? (Haven't played them)
if you dont think too hard when playing LA Noire its a good game. GTAIV's always good. and i dont know anything about Thief.
LA Noire is a ****ing cocktease. **** that game. GTA IV is fun, Lost and the Damned is awesome (Johnny Kleibitz is the best protagonist the series has had thus far, never played the other DLC) Thief is a classic but I've never played it.
Thief is fantastic. Seriously, I'd buy that over LA Noire. It's the perfect example of a stealth game done right.
I've been told it's like a less aggressive version of GTA, with parts where you get to search for clues, etc.