I say Michael Bay Spiderman. Spidy is now an alien and he shoots explosive webs while Meghan Fox Mary Jane fixes automobiles and explains how wrong side of the tracks she is.
wrong. there could be case for "you can't make truly realistic dialogue between adults without cursing in some form at least once" but that's it. lol
It was just to show that Disney (or a corporation that it owns) is possible of producing R-rated movies. Like Pulp Fiction. I just like Tarantinos "I don't give a ****, I'll do the weirdest goddamn movie I can" attitude. Dan Harmon did Community. I like Nolans artistic and cinematographic choices, and I don't think I've ever seen any really bad action sequences in any of his movies, so I don't know where that's coming from. [br][/br]Edited by merge: But I probably shouldn't be talking about movies in the PPC, I always end up being the butt of a few weeks worth of jokes. Lol.
I thought the rotating hallway fight scene in Inception was generally regarded as well done. And weren't you guys saying earlier that spiderman is supposed to be snarky? I think a comedy writer could achieve that.
I don't see a good combo with Dan Harmon and Christopher Nolan. It would be a meta style script with wit and sarcasm. Then Nolan would try and take that a super serious route.
lol the editing was still all over the place, when there weren't cuts, like JGL's 10 second stumble down the hallway, that was amazing. it's like amazing shots of **** happening piled together. they look great on their own. the snowmobile part was particularly messy. and yeah tusk, theres a reason Nolan only directs his own scripts.
I don't know about you, because you don't talk to anybody, but I automatically turn off cursing if I'm talking to someone new or someone I haven't heard curse before. Yep. I'd rather a comedian write spiderman than someone like Nolan. lol
Alright, just let Tarantino direct then, I'm game. Though, I'm just saying, it would be funny if Peter Parker retained Troys' character from Community. [br][/br]Edited by merge: He did Cabin in The Woods, so he's got my vote as a pretty cool dude.
theres a reason Tarantino only directs his own scripts as well, he's a terrible choice for a spiderman movie. rofl.
When I first posted it it was just a silly joke, of course none of the choices are going to make sense if you think about all the details of actually getting all these people together =P
he should have had your vote after Firefly, but yeah, The Cabin in the Woods AND the Avengers under his belt now. ****. Joss Whedon/Donald Glover Spiderman.
Tarantino would never do a superhero movie or a movie based on pre-existing characters. I'm pretty sure he's said that in interviews. He was offered Green Lantern and turned it down.
and let's make it a musical while were at it Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog A Man's Gotta Do (+ Reprise) - YouTube
None of these fan chosen writer/director match ups make any sense, it's just fun to think about. Like if Tarantino had done the green lantern. That would be the most amazing thing ever. I just find it incredibly hard to imagine, though, that Disney/Marvel would ever make a rated R spiderman movie. spiderman is marketed very heavily to children. Spider-Man's Most Embarrassing Moment - YouTube