Yeah he does, I was just giving you **** for that specific criticism and the specific wording it entailed. lol
I didn't mean to single you out or anything. It was more of a light "**** off" to those who only vote for people because they want to legalize. It worries me that it is their only concern.
As opposed to what, not voting? Would you rather people not take part at all if their only concern is over who wants to legalize or not? While I agree people should be voting for candidates based on more then one policy I don't denounce those who do...because at least they're still voting.
the main reason pot shouldn't be legalised is 99% of the damned people demanding it be legalised are annoying stoners. 420.
or generally a group of people who would rather have their tax dollars spent on anything other than marijuana related arrests; wasted money.
You must be new to America. Every person is the wrong person. That's how politics work. However one is usually more wrong than the other.