ME3 is wayyyyyyy shorter than I thought. Why did it even need two discs? (on the assumed last level, haven't finished it yet)
Was 40 hours for me. Just as long as the first two. It is one of the longer games out there, but it's not necessarily just length. Certain engines in games are probably just optimized poorly. Dead Space 2 came on two discs and that's only like 10-12 hours.
Golden Eye Rogue Agent came on two discs for the Game Cube and it wasn't that big of a game! (It was on one PS2 and Xbox)
ME3 was 40-50 hours for me, haven't checked the final bit. Considering that every single place you visit has a completely different feel and look to it, I'm not surprised it took two discs to house all the content. Which is unlike the recycling that was all too apparent in ME2 and to an annoying extent in ME1.