is it worth it if you don't know anything about iOS development? meaning, is there stuff to show you how to do it or should I wait to pay for it until I know how to code cocoa?
oh never mind, the way you said it made it seem like there was a new episode and my DVR is known to **** up.
If I remember correctly, all the membership gives you is access to betas and allows you to submit apps to the iTunes store. The rest of the stuff is free, check it out. iOS Dev Center - Apple Developer
My experience with Diablo: Watch my friend fiddle around in an inventory screen for an hour See a cow level on youtube
Battleblock looks pretty boring, and I probably wouldn't enjoy Diablo 3. Is there any word on whether xbla Mincraft will have servers?
As far as I know it hasn't been confirmed that xbla Minecraft supports multiplayer, skins, or texture packs. Oh, and **** Diablo 3.