Yeah, I usually keep anything ranges wise off of fb because I don't like to look like a fair weather fan, but I've been a fan since it was A-rod and Pudge days. But I couldn't help passing up a quote form the man. And I wish I had the shirt with that quote. Too bad I was in Italy last post season. thats what I'm talking about.
Yeah I can understand that. I'm not much of a baseball fan but I've been going to rangers games since I was a little kid (at least once a year, if we could find a weekend that my mother didn't care about...) so I'm not so much a fair weather fan as an overall DFW sports fan excited to see another one of us about to win.
Yeah, I was excited for the mavs too, but didn't express it because I have that one friend who would call me out for not supporting them the whole season.