Have you head about the new political/drama that takes place in Africa? Its called Hungry Hungry Hippos.
anybody who comes in and starts talking about cinematography of blockbuster films is trying way too hard. you wonder why the popular girls are so vicious
I simply said I enjoyed a movie, and stated why. And "Blockbuster movies" are big movies for a reason. That's like saying that popular music can not be good, only indie artists. Don't be such a tool, you're not that foolish.
You know that feeling when you do better than most of the class, but not better to your parents' expectations? Worst ****ing feeling ever. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hopefully my above perfect (because extra credit) score in programming will help soothe my average chemistry and math scores.
That was ALL of high school for me. Here at Tech, a 3.0 is Dean's List so my parents understand that theres no ****ing way I am getting all A's
If you know anything about photoshop could you check this out: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/133852-forgive-my-ignorance.html ?