ppc, i come once again for a piece of advice that I have asked a few times before. where should i try to get a summer job? mom is being a ***** about me not having a job, even though every place ive suggested is fine but gets shot down. (Gamestop, had application filled out and was walking out the door when mom decided its not safe because it could get robbed a lot... any restuarant, she doesn't want me in food service... any large store like sams or best buy, i had hernia surgery 10 weeks ago and she thinks I'm not recovered enough for the "heavy lifting" required there... etc.) any other suggestions I could try on her? I've thought about math tutoring...
tell your mom to **** off, she cant have it both ways. either have a job of your choosing or none at all.
My mother is the reason I was the kid that looked forward to monday and hated saturday when school was still in session. She will whine and ***** about anything she can. She woke my sister and me up yesterday just saying "anybody without a job gets up early" (sister just graduated Mizzou and is in the process of getting a job with TXU, I just graduated high school and am off to GT in August) then whined and complained that we didn't do anything productive that day (BECAUSE THERE WAS NOTHING TO ****ING DO) And trust me, once I have a job I will be bitched and nagged just as much to do other random ****. She constantly throws a woe-is-me-I-do-everything-in-this-house fit, and there is no escape. I can't go thirty minutes on this laptop without her barging in my room asking something random. Same goes for the family desktop. I'm afraid to get on the xbox. TBH I'm not getting a job just for the money, I am getting one to shut her up and give me two hours of peace a day...
shitting **** nipples. what the ass is the crap? Green Lantern comes out in ****ing August in Australia? what the hell bullshit is that
kick that ***** in the ovaries. Get whatever the hell job you want. **** happens in all walks of life.
Apply at all convinience stores for the graveyard shift. See what she says about the robbery rate at gamestop then.