You assume humans are still in control, and not an overarching Artificial Intelligence that has dominated humanity. We're a transitional species really.
Getting to work under Chef Grant Achatz at a restrauant where the menu is seasonal as well as historical makes me moister than the double rainbow guy seeing a quadruple rainbow and it reflection on a lake full of LSD and acid mushroom growing around that lake while cartoon animals hop around in a tribal dance welcoming him into the 4th Demotion.
^ Nukes. Nuclear Engineering. 'Tis where I am headed. On that note, I just found out I've been accepted to University of Texas Cockrell School of Engineering. Booyah.
Food is #1 on the list of things a species needs to survive. There really is nothing more essential to a species' propagation than an evolutionary drive towards hunger, and crippling pain to those who don't eat.
Dream Jobs for Iron Tusk: Noma - Denmark Alinea - Chicago El Celler de Can Roca - Spain French Laundry - Napa Valley Incanto - San Francisco --- IT's AWESOME Restaurant of Amazingly Cool Food - ???