Well it started with Dead Space 2 and LBP2 and then it goes to Crysis 2 and LA Noire and Uncharted 3 and Infamous 2 and Mass Effect 3 and Skyrim and Dead Island and Rage and Batman Arkham City and other games I can't remember.
I've got ME3 and Skyrim lined up for later but I'm pretty sure if Dead Island is living up to it's expectations I'll have it. Not to mention Ocarina of Time for 3DS and the 3DS itself...
My grandpa died getting out of a helicopter in Vietnam, and people like Stevo belittling his sacrifice makes me so angry.
My grandfather died in the holocaust. He fell out of guard tower. Now isn't that awful. For the record he fought and killed Germans
My other dead hero grandpa was in some famous photo in the Philipins after havin to swim miles to the beach after his boat was shot. He went on to be CEO of Tandy Corporation, the parent company of Radio Shack and Pier One at the time c