I enjoyed reading people who all of a sudden cared about football post on Facebook. The past couple of years it just seems to have gone down hill. Maybe because I don't play football anymore so I don't care about the sport.
"So, I saw the worst thing to ever have existed on tv today. And it had a light show to go along with it." "I can't believe that Christina A. Messed up the anthem... Glad the pack won." "oh its been a good day hung out with Jenna P got a cookbook didnt have to work so i got to watcht the superbowl anddd PACKERS won " "HA! PACKERS won babyy!! " "Ha!! Green bay won!!! Steelers suck nuts!" I feed off of pretentiousness.
Hey, that was me. And that wasn't even talking about the football game, it's talking about the Black Eyed Peas...
So who do you think won the commercial wars. 4 Dorritos commercials (all before game and 1st qtr) 2 GoDaddy.com commercials. A lot of beer commercials and car commercials.
But it really sucked... Like really really bad. Stfu Hipster, I can't help if I hate something everyone else hates too.
Lol, I'm not a big enough Packers fan to even give a **** to write things on Facebook. I've been following the Bears all season, and generally follow them all the time, so I'm not a tooly Superbowl/Championship viewer. I've never played football for school, but it's definitely one of my favorite sports, but I'll never be the guy that acts like I'm tough because I like football, that's flat out stupid.
Take the artist in to consideration; no live instruments, sans the slash performance, 4 singers who rely on auto-tuned voice effects, and mediocre lyrics to mediocre beats. It's going to suck. Why have hopes? Edited by merge: I really only follow Baseball when it comes to sports, Football was, to me, more fun to play then really watch. The only sports team that I really follow is the Texas Rangers, and when it comes to football, I like to watch; The Stealers, The Titans, and The 49er, and I did't really watch any this season, because I was out of the country for over half the season.
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