Definitely not as good as your night probably....but later at night from 3-7 we had a BTB and Rumble Pit party going, **** was cash. I played with Imsuck, eh's a pretty cool btard and doesn't afraid of anything.
Orange stop being soo saawwty. Don't be mad because you don't get any pantries and are a froggot. -_-
Big ****ing spoiler for bops zombie mode, so awesome Spoiler You Won't Believe Who Is Killing Zombies in Call of Duty: Black Ops Minecraft hell is awesome. I'm really happy for you camofo, but I am the biggest anti social of all time. OF ALL TIME. Mostly because I see hypocrisy, doushebaggery, and/or people even more idiotic than myself in others. Not to say I don't have friends and people I like, but yeah.
Yo Mish, you're a bro. You can lax with me and some slam pieces any day. Just bring a 6pack of delish Natty.
I hate my life right now. I'd end it, but I know I'll always regret which way I go, thinking that there may have been a better way.
Doesn't matter. Been playing Swat though. Had a game earlier where half my team quit and one guy from the opposing team quit. Me and the one guy left on my side went 50-25 with 25 kills each...
Just came back from a wing eating contest. First person to eat 8 bhut jolokia wings won. **** me, I only ate 6 and by that time the guy was done. And ****, those were so hot.